
harlan coben believes that if youre not a writer.
for him writing is _ 1_job-a job like any other. he has_ 2_ it with plumbing. pointing out that plumber doesnt woer with pipes today.
_3 _, like most writers these days, yous not_ 4_ to find the
time to write.but its not impossible. it require determination and single-mindedness。
5_ that most bestselling authors began writing who are fairly__ 6 often have to do other work to_ 7__ their writing income. .
as halan coben has suggested, itll hace to_ _ 9 _some of your day-to-day activities and some thing you really enjoy. depengding on your_ 10_
and deyouer lifestyle.that might mean spending less time watching television pr listening to music,though some people can write_ 11_ they listen to music. you might have to_12_the amount
of exercise orsport you do. yout always make you popular.
theret do without.
time is finite, the older you get, the.18 it seems to go. we need to use it so carefully and as_19_as we can,that means prioritizing out activities so that we spend most time on the things wereally want to do. if youre a writer,that means _20_ writing.
[答案] b
[答案] b
[答案] b
[答案] d
[答案] c
c.well- informed
[答案] a
[答案] c
[答案] c
b .sacrifice
[答案] b
[答案] b
[答案] c
a.put up with
b.make up for
c.hang onto
d.cut down on
[答案] d
[答案] b
b. best
[答案] a
[答案] a
b.in charge of
c.in response to
d.in addition to
[答案] d
[答案] a
[答案] b
[答案] c
a.at most
b.in tum
c.on average
d.above all
[答案] d
阅览了解part a
we have all encountered them, in both our personal and professional lives think about the times you felt tricked or frustrated by a membership oribscription that had a seamles sign-up process but was later dificult to cancel something that should be simple and transparent can be complicated, intentionallyor umintentionally. in ways that impair consumer choice. hese are examp-k .patterns.first coined in2010 by user experience expert harry brigmull, dark.patterns is a cach-ll term for practices that manipulate user interfaces to infuence thedecision making ability of users.
brignull identifis 12 types of common darkatterms.ranging from misdirection and hidden costs to roach motel. where aiser experience seems easy and intuitive at the start,but tums difficult when theuser tries to get outin a 2021 study of 53,000 product pages and 11, 000 websites,researchers found that about one in 10 employs these design practices. though widely prevalent,the concept of dark ptterns is stil
not well understood. business and nonprofit leaders should be aware of dark patterns and try to avoid the gray areasthey engender where is the line
between ethical, persuasive design and dark patterms?businesses should engage in conversations with i, compliance, risk, and legalteams to reviewr their privacy policy. and include in the discussion the customer/user experience designers and coders responsible for the companys user interface,as well as the marketers and advertisers responsible for sign-ups.checkout baskets, pricing. and promotions.
any or all these teams can play a rolein creating or avoiding digital
deceptionl awmakers and regulators are slowly starting to address the
ambiguity around dark pattems most recently at the state level in march, the califormia a mountnced the approval of additional regulations under thnen seeking to exercise their data privacy rights. confusing language or unnecessary steps such as forcing them to clickthrough multiple screens or listen to reasons why they shouldnt opt out as more states consider promulgating additional regulations, there is a needfor greater acountability from within the business community. dark patterns alsobe addressed on a self-regulatory basis, butsonly if organizations hold themselves accountable, not just to legal requirements, but also to industry best practices and standard
21.it can be learned from the first two paragraphs tat dark pattems
a. improve user expererll
b.leak user information for profit
c.undermine users decision-making
d.remind users of hidden costs
[答案] c
22. the 2021 study on dark patterns is mentioned to show
a.their major flaws
b.their complex designs
c.their severe damage
d.their strong presence
[答案] d
23. to handle digital deception, businesses should
a.listen to customer feedback
b.talk with relevant teams
c.turm to independent agencies
d.rely on professional training
[答案] b
24. the additional regulations under the ccpa are intended to
a.guide users through opt-out processes
b.protect consumers from being tricked
c.grant companies data privacy rights
d.restrict access to problematic content
[答案] b
25. according to the last paragraph, a key to coping with dark patterns is .
a.new legal requirements
b.businesses self- discipline
c.strict regulatory standards
d.consumers safety awareness
[答案] b
with the global population predicted to hit close to 10 billion by 2050, and forecasts.
that agri-cultural production in some regions will need to nearly double to keep pace. food security is increasingly making headlines. in the uk, it has become a big talking point recently too, for rather particular reason: brexit.
brexit is seen by some as an opportunity to reverse a recent trend towards the uk importing food the country produces only about 60 percent of the food it eats. down from almost three-quarters in the late 1980s a move back to self-sufficiency. the argument goes, would boost the farming industry. political sovereignty and even the nations health.
sounds great- but how feasible is this vision?
according to a report on uk food production from the university of leeds, uk, 85 percent of the countryt allow us to cover all our meat and dairy needs.
there are many caveats to those figures. but they are still grave. to become much more self-sufficient, the uk would need to drastically reduce its consumption of animal foods,and probably also farm more intensively meaning fewer green fields and more factory-style production.
but switching to a mainly plant-based diet wouldnt have the right soil or climate to grow crops on commercial basis.
just 25 per cent of the countrys land is suitable for crop-growing. most of which is already occupied by arable fields. even if we converted all the suitable land to fields of fruit and veg- -which would involve taking out all the nature reserves and removing thousands of people from their homes-we would achieve only a 30 percent boost in crop production.
just 23 per cent of the fruit and vegetables consumed in the uk are currently home-grown. so even with the most extreme measures we could meet only 30 per cent of our fresh produce needs. that is before we look
for the space to grow the grains, sugars, seeds and oils that provide
us with the vast bulk of our current calorie intake.
26. the survey conducted byharris poll indicates that
a.over half of the retirees are physically fit for work
b.the old workforce isas active as the younger one
c.one in three americans enjoyearlier retirement
d.more americans are willing to work in retirement
[答案] d
27. it can be inferred from paragraph 3 that americans tend tothink that
a.retirement may cause problems for them
b .boredom can berelieved after retirement
c.the mental health of retireesis overlooked
[答案] a
28. retirement patterns are changing partly due to
a.labor shortages
b.population growth
c.longer life expectancy
d.rising living costs
[答案] c
29. many tetires are increasing in swines by
a.investing more in stocks
b.taking up odd jobs
c.getting well-paid word
d.spending less
[答案] d
30. with regard to retirement,brent weiss thinls that many people are
[答案] a
on a recent sunny day13 .000 chickens roam over larry browns by design, part of what the $6.1 billion us.egg industry bets will be its next big thing:climate- friendly eggs.these eggs,which are making their debut now on shelves for as much ass8adozen,are still labeled organic and animal-
friendly,but they says brown,who is adding more
cover crops

that draw worms and crickets for the chickens to eat. the birds allow our hens to forage for higher-quality natural feed that will be good for the land, the hens, and the eggs that we supply to our customers. the egg industrys push is the first major test of whether animal products from regenerative farms can become the next premium offering.in barely more than a decade,organic eggs went from being dismissed as a niche product in natural foods stores to being sold

at walmart.more recently there were
similar doubts about probiotics and plant-based meats,but both have exploded into major supermarket categories .if the sustainable-egg roll
out is successful. it could open the floodgates for regenerative beef, broccoli,and beyond.
regenerative products could be a hard sell because the concept is tough to define quickly,says julie stanton, associateprofessor of agricultural economics at pennsylvania state university brandywine.such farming also brings minimal, if any,improvement to the food products (though some producers say their eggs have more protein).the industry is betting that the same consumers paying more for premium attributes such as free-range ,non-gmo ,and pasture-raised eggswill embrace sustainability.surveys show that younger generations are more concerned about climate change,and some of the success of plant-based meat can be chalked up to shoppers wanting to signal their desire to protect environment. young adults realey care about the pla says.john brunnquell, pesidnt ofegg
innovationsre doina.
31.the climate- friendly eggs are producted
a.at a considerably low cost
b.at the demand of regular shoppers
c.as a replacement for organic eggs
d.on specially designed forms
[答案] c
32. larry brown is excited about his progress in
a.reducting the damage of
b.accelaratiny the disposal of uest
c.creatiny a sustainable system
d.attractive customers to his products
[答案] c
33. the example of organic eggs is used in the paragragh if to suggest
a.the doubts to over natural feeds
b.the set breaks in the eggs industry
c.the potential of regenerative products
d.the promotional success of super markets
[答案] c
34. it can be learned from paragragh that young people
a.are reluctant to change their diet
b.are likely to buy climate friendly eggs
c.are curious about new food
d.are amazed at agruculoure advornces
[答案] b
35. john brungvell would disagree with julie stanton overegenerative products
a.markets prospects
b.standard definition
c.market prospect
d.moricl implication
[答案] a
although ethics classes are common around the world, scientists are unsure if their lessons can actually change behavior, evidence either way is
weak, relying on contrived laboratory tests or sometimes unreliable self-reports . but a new study published in cognition found that,in at least one real-world situation a singlethics lesson may have had lasting effects.
the researchers investigated one class sessions impact on eating meat.they chose this particular behavior for three reasons : according to study co-author encschwitgebel,a philosopher at the university of califomnia riverside :student sattitudes on the topic are varlable and unstable ;behavior is easily measurable,andethics literature largely agrees that eating less meat is good becauseit reduce senvironmental harm and animal suffering.
half of the students in four large philosophy classes read an article on the ethics of factory- farmed meat, optinally watched an 11-minute video
on the topic and joined a 50-minute discussion .the other half focused on charitable giving instead .then unknown to the students . there searchersstudied their anonymized meal card purchases for that semestermearly 14.000 receipts for almost 500 students schwitzgebel predicted the intervention would have no effect ; he had previously found that ethics professors do not dffer fom other professors on arange of behaviors, including voting rates,blood donation and returning librarybooks.but among student subjects who discussed meat ethics,meal purchase scontaining meat decreased from 52 to 45 percent – and this efiet held steady for the studys duration of several weeks . purchasesfom the other group remained at 52 percent.
that,sactually a pretty large effect for a pretty smallintervention schwizgebel says . psychologist nina strohminger at the university of pennsyivania ,who was not involved in the study,says she wants the effect to be cannot rule out some unknown confounding variable . and if real shenotes, it might be reversible by another mudge: easy come,easy go schwitzgebel suspects the greatest impact came from social.
influence classmates or teaching assistants leading the discussions may have shared their own vegetarianism,showing it as achievable or more
second,the video may have had an emotional impact . least rousing,he thinks was rational argument ,although his co-authors say reason might
play a bigger role . now there searchers are probingthe specific effets of teaching style,teaching assistant seating habits and students video exposure. meanwhile schwitzgebel – who had predicted no effect-will be eating his words.
36.scientists generally believe that the effects of ethics classes are
a.hard to determine
b.narrowly interpreted
c.difficult to ignore
d.poorly summarized
[答案] a
37. which of the following is a reason for the researchers to study meat-eating?
a.it is common among students.
b.it is a behavior easy to measure
c.it is important to students health
d.it is a hot topic in ethics classes
[答案] b
38. eric schwitzgebels previous findings suggest that ethics professors
a.are seldom critical of their students
b.are less sociable than other professors
c.are not sensitive to political issues
d.are not necessarily ethically better
[答案] d
39. nina strohminger thinks that the effect of the intervention is_
[答案] d
40. ericschwitzgebel suspects that the students change in behavior
a.can bring psychologicalbenefits
b.can be analyzed statistically
c.is a result of multiple factors
d.is a sign of self-development
[答案] c
阅览了解part b
moving your body has been shown to reduce anxietyanddepression, lower rates of many types of cancerand therisk of a heart attack, and improve
overallimmunity. italso helps build strength and stamina.
more on staying fit
the major health benefits of even
modestexercisebest ways to work out on a
treadmilla home exercise plan that really
works how to use your heart rate to help
you work out
best equipment for a home gym getting back into exercise can be a challenge in the best of times, but with gyms and in-person exercise classes off-linits to many people these days becau查找引擎优化fcovid-19 concerns, it can be tricky to know where tostart.and it
says mary yoke,phd, a faculty memberingetting back into exercise can be a challenge in the best of times, but with gyms and in-person exerciseclasses off-limits to many people these days becau查找引擎优化fcovid-19 concerns, it can be tricky to know where tostart. and its important to
get the right dose of activity.too much too soon either results in
injuryorburnout, says mary yoke, phd, a faculty member inthe kinesiology department at indiana universityinbloomington.
follow this advice to return to exercise safely.
dont try to go back to what you were doing beforeyourbreak. if you were walking 3 miles a day, playing 1 8holes of golf three times a week , or
lifting 10-pounddumbbells for three sets of 10 reps, reduce activityto 1/mile every other day, or nine holes of golf onceaweek with short walks on other days, or use 5-pounddumbbells for one set of 10 reps.
increase time, distance, and intensity gradually.
ll reap benefits such as less anxiety andimproved sleep right away.
if youre breathing too hard to talk in complete sentences, back off. if you feel good, go a litle longerorfaster. f eeling wiped out after a session?
go easiernext time.and stay alert to serious symptoms, suchaschest pain or pressure, severe shortness of breath or attent 1 onimmediately.
consistency is the key to getting stronger andbuildingendurance and stamina.
ten minutes of activity per day is a good start,saysmarcus jackovitz, dpt, a physical therapist at the university of miami hospital.all the experts wespokewith highly recommend walking because its theeasiest, most accessible form of exercise.although itcan be a workout on its own, if your goal is to get backtozumba classes, tennis,cvcling,or any other activitvy,walking is also a great first step.
combine cardio exercise,such as walking,with strength training to keep your muscles and bones inoptimalshape. it can be as easy as standing
up andsitting downfrom a chair five to 10 times.
for your upper body, do five to 10 pushups against awall or high counter. or use low-cost resistance bands,whichallow you to do more exercises than
dumbbel1 lsdo andtake up less space.
exercising with others jackovitz says.
you can do activities such as golf and tennis or take awalk with others and still be socially distant.
butwhenyou cant connect in person, consider usingtechnology. chat on the phone with a friend while youwalk around your neighborhood.facetime or zoomwitha relative as you strength train or stretch at home.
you can also join a livestream or on-demanaexereseclass.silversneakers offers them forolder adults, or try everwalk for virtual challenges.editors note: a version of this article also appearedinthe january 2021 issue of consumer reports on health.
a.make it a habit .
b.dont go it alone
c.start low go slow
d.talk with your doctor.
e.listen to your body
f.go through the motions
g.round out your routine.
41.第(41 )题选________
a.make it a habit .
b.dont go it alone
c.start low go slow
d.talk with your doctor.
e.listen to your body
f.go through the motions
g.round out your routine.
42.第(42 )题选________
a.make it a habit .
b.dont go it alone
c.start low go slow
d.talk with your doctor.
e.listen to your body
f.go through the motions .
g.round out your routine.
[答案] e
43.第(43 )题选________
a.make it a habit .
b.dont go it alone
c.start low go slow
d.talk with your doctor.
e.listen to your body
f.go through the motions
g.round out your routine.
[答案] a
a.make it a habit .
b.dont go it alone
c.start low go slow
d.talk with your doctor.
e.listen to your body
f.go through the motions
g.round out your routine.
[答案] f
a.make it a habit .
b.dont go it alone
c.start low go slow
d.talk with your doctor.
e.listen to your body
f.go through the motions
g.round out your routine.
[答案] b
46. although we try our best, sometimes our paintings rarely turn out as originally planned. changes in the light, the limitations of your painting materials and the lack of experience and technique :mean that what you start out trying to achieve may not come to life the way that you expected.
although this can be frustrating and disappointing, it turns out that this can actually be good for you. unexpected results have two benefits: you pretty quickly learn to deal with disappointment and realise that when one door closes, another opens. you also quickly learn to adapt and come up with creative solutions to the problems the painting presents and thinking out side the box will become your second nature. in fact, creative problem-solving skills are incredibly useful in daily life, with which you re more likely to be able to find a solution when problem arises.
尽管这可以会令人感到沮丧和绝望,但这实践上对你是有优点的。意想不到的成果有两个优点: 你很快就会学会处置绝望,并知道到一扇门关闭时,另一扇窗会翻开。您还可以快速学会习气并为绘画呈现的疑问提出创造性的处置方案,跳
47.suppose you are planning a campus food festival, write anemail to international students in your university to
1) introduce the food festival
2) invite them to participate
you should write about 100 words on the answer sheet.
do not use your one name. use instead.
(10 points)
写作part b
48.write an essay based on the chart below. in your writing.
you should
1) interpret the chart, and
2) give your comments


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