


1、长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 住在有钱人区的她 2022年考研-考研英语一考试全真仿照押题密卷(带答案)一.归纳才能查验(共20题)1.单选题 when workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them _.a.offb.sidec. outd. down正确答案:a本题解析: 本题为短语动词词义分析题。词义分析 lay off意为“辞退”;lay aside意为“储存”;lay out意为“铺排、组织”;lay down意为“放下方案或初步缔造”。据此可知,选项alay off契合题干的逻辑意

2、义。 2.单选题 after so many days without rain, the ground quickly _ the little rain that fell last night. a.droppedb. floodedc.graspedd.absorbed正确答案:d3.单选题 it _ as a shock to realize that i was not alone in the room.a.cameb.appearedc.arrivedd. reached正确答案:a4.单选题 she had clearly no _ of doing any work, al

3、though she was very well paid. a.tendencyb.ambitionc. intentiond. willingness正确答案:c5.单选题 _ to the papers is restricted to defense department personnel only. a. applicationb. exceptionc.accessd. glance正确答案:c6.单选题 im _ to graduate in the next half of the year. a. owingb. thanksc.dued.because正确答案:c7.单选

4、题 _ the movie i would have finished my paper last sunday. a.in spite ofb. but forc.because ofd. as for正确答案:b8.单选题 the student found the novel _. it provided him with so much information about the subject. a.enlighteningb.confusingc.frustratingd.delighting正确答案:a9.单选题 the opposition leaders _ the gove

5、rnment for not taking action sooner. a.warnedb.criticizedc.threatenedd.urged正确答案:b10.单选题 in the future, more _ should be placed on the education of the young. a.crisisb.implicationsc.impressionsd.emphasis正确答案:d11.单选题 sixty per cent of television viewers chose him as their _ actor. a.popularb.desirab

6、lec.favorited. superior正确答案:c12.单选题 the address book _ the email addresses of your friends or groups of colleagues. a.makes it easy to recallb.makes it easy recallc.makes easy to recalld.makes recall it easy正确答案:a13.单选题 take it _. it is nothing but a joke.a.easyb.easilyc.seriousd.seriously正确答案:a14.单

7、选题 when he suddenly _ up the subject of genetic engineering, there was an embarrassedsilence. a.tookb.broughtc.showedd.came正确答案:b15.单选题 since william had been seriously ill for several months, his parents were worried about_ to return to school full-time.a. he wantedb. he wantingc.him to wantd.his w

8、anting正确答案:d16.单选题 if you want to find a decent location for your own home, _ mr. smith for advice. a.turn tob.pass throughc. shut ind. write up正确答案:a17.单选题 i wont _ those children making a noise in my house! a.allowb.letc.haved.permit正确答案:c18.单选题 the terrible noise is _ me mad.

a.turningb. settingc.drivingd.putting正确答案:c19.单选题 be careful, _ youll fall down.a.on the contraryb.or ratherc.or elsed.as for正确答案:c20.单选题 im sorry i forgot to write; i had so much else _ my mind. a.overb.forc. ond.about正确答案:c


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