本周最后一波福利——18考研英语作文押题 考到不要太激动哦!

5. 中国传统文化的缺失directions:
write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should
1. describe the drawing briefly,
2. interpret its intended meaning, and then
3. give your comments.
you should write neatly on the answer sheet.

经典模板范文as is shown in the picture, a little boy, wearing a hat painted with british and korean flags, is enjoying a coke and a hamburger held in his hands. profoundly, confucius, a wise man in ancient china, is writing down the chinese character “zhong” on the kid’s back with a calligraphy brush.
this picture intends to remind the youngsters that even though the western culture seems to be more fascinating, it is of great significance to protect and develop the traditional chinese culture. the character written by confucius is not only part of the name of our country; it is also, more importantly, the symbol of china’s profound culture and long history. admittedly, due to the continuous fusion of chinese and western culture, our life has been largely changed in terms of food, clothing, education, entertainment, etc. however, young people, particularly, tend to embrace the western culture more quickly and, sometimes, seemingly blindly. for instance, many young kids are quite familiar with mcdonald’s but despise the traditional chinese medicine. such blindness would lead to the eventual disappearance of the entire traditional chinese culture, if we cannot balance the two cultures wisely.
to put it simply, traditional chinese culture is the crystallization of collective wisdom of chinese people. as the carriers of national culture, individuals should recognize the great value of national culture, and endeavor physically to ensure its sustained boom as well.
本周最后一波福利——18考研英语作文押题 考到不要太激动哦!插图


靓词靓语calligraphy n.书法;书法艺术
significance n.意义;重要性;含义
profound a.深远的;巨大的;深邃的
admittedly ad.无可否认地,诚然
fusion n.融合;合并
in terms of 在……方面;谈及;就……而言
embrace v.乐意接受;拥抱;包括
despise v.鄙视;蔑视
collective a.集体的;共同的;总体的
sustained a.持续的;持久的
靓句分析① as is shown in the picture, a little boy, wearing a hat painted with british and korean flags, is enjoying a coke and a hamburger held in his hands.
本句旨在描述图画的细节信息,层次分明,遣词造句可圈可点。首先,划线部分的非限定性定语从句“as…”可视作模板句式,自然引出描述的对象:“a little boy”。其次,句中多次使用分词短语:现在分词短语“wearing…”作后置定语,突出小男孩即时的状态;过去分词短语“painted…”和“held…”作后置定语,分别补充说明小男孩所戴帽子的特征和手中所拿的食物。如此一来,一个栩栩如生的人物形象便跃然纸上。
② this picture intends to remind the youngsters that even though the western culture seems to be more fascinating, it is of great significance to protect and develop the traditional chinese culture.
本句作为二段首句,承上启下,揭示图画寓意的同时为下文展开论述做好了铺垫。“remind”的一般用法为“remind sb. of sth.”,由于sth.在本句中指代的内容较多,故用that引导的宾语从句作“remind”的直接宾语,使句子层次分明、句意饱满。that从句中有两大亮点:其一,主句使用“it”作形式主语,避免了头重脚轻;其二,以“be+of+抽象名词(significance)” 结构代替“significant”这一常规表达,更显高级。
③ the character written by confucius is not only part of the name of our country; it is also, more importantly, the symbol of chinas profound culture and long history.
本句揭示了图画中的关键元素“中”与“chinas profound culture and long history”的关系,为下文论述埋下伏笔。句中,在表达“不仅……,而且……”这层含义时,作者摒弃常规的“not only…(but) also…”结构,以分号连接两个分句。分句一中,过去分词短语“written by…”作后置定语,修饰“the character”,既避免了主语是简单名词而产生的枯燥感,又丰富了主语的信息。分句二中,插入语“more importantly”分隔了句子的系动词和表语,使句式更为灵活多变。


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