



ⅰ. vocabulary and structure (20 points)

directions: there are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. for each sentence there are four choices marked a., b., c. and d. choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. then write down your answer on the answer sheet.

1. the question is _____ me and i have no idea of it.

a. beyond

b. over

c. beside

d. above


【解析】句意:我不理解这个题,一点儿也不了解。beyond sb.意为“为


2. the output of our company this month is _____ that of last month.

a. twice as much as

b. twice as much

c. twice many as

d. twice as many as



3. hardly had i got home _____ the telephone rang.

a. then

b. when

c. as

d. than



4. by the time you get back, i

_____ all the work.

a. would finish

b. will have finished

c. has finished

d. had finished


【解析】句意:你回来时,我就结束一切的作业了。by the time到……时,表将来。偏重将来某个时刻已结束,所以用将来结束时will have done方法。

5. it’s required that the students _____ the term paper tomorrow.

a. finished

b. finish

c. will finish

d. may finish


【解析】句意:一切学生被需求明日有必要结束学期论文。表达“指令、需求、主张”等意义的主语从句需用虚拟口气,方法为should+动词原形,should可省掉。所以本题填(should) finish。

6. all students are eager to know _____ they will pass the exam or not.

a. if

b. that

c. whether

d. why



7. when the couple _____ here, they _____ to the park.

a. will come; will go

b. come; go

c. will come; go

d. come; will go



8. —i cannot find tom anywhere.

—he _____ have been off long. i heard him make a call just now.

a. shouldn’t

b. can’t

c. mustn’t

d. needn’t


【解析】句意:我方才还听见他打电话了,因而他必定没走多远。can’t have done不可以能做了某事。shouldn’t have done标明本不大约做某事(实践却做了)。mustn’t have done标明阻止做某事。needn’t have done指的是正本没必要做某事(实践上却做了)。


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