
??香港中文大学生物医学学院?/ 组织工程与再生医学研究所(cuhk-sbs/iterm)

香港創新科技署-innohk 創新香港研發平台-神经肌肉骨骼再生医学中心



香港中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)是一所国际 的亚洲顶尖大学,于2018年成立了组织工程与再生医学研究所(iterm;。同时香港創新科技署将与2022年,成立innohk創新香港研發平台-神经肌肉骨骼再生医学中心。innohk 是特区政府的重点项目
,旨在发展香港成为环球科研合作中心,当中涉及与香港科学园成立世界级的创新平台,由国际知名的大学和科研研究机构设立研发实验室,进行科研合作。神经肌肉骨骼再生医学中心是innohk计划推出以来,由香港中文大学和瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院(karolinska institute)合作 的研发实验室。卡罗林斯卡学院在全世界的高等教育中,是最大的一所单一医学院,同时也是世界上最有威望的医学院之一。学院中有一个委员会,专门负责颁发诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。至今为止,共有5名诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者出自卡罗林医学院。

隶属于研究院的柯岱飞教授课题组?( 现正招收博士研究生,博士后研究员和研究助理, 参与肌肉骨骼的研究,包括 :


(2) 功能梯度研究:應用於减少缝合线撕裂软组织



柯岱飞教授是香港中文大学组织工程与再生医学研究所和生物医学学院的助理教授。?他于悉尼大学获得了分子生物学和遗传学学士学位,在卡内基梅隆大学获得生物科学博士学位,并在斯坦福大学骨科系接受博士后培训。?其研究领域包括肌肉骨骼生物材料开发和基于计算机视觉的细胞追踪,研究成果和论文发表于著名期刊和会议上(science,advanced functional materials,biomaterials,european conference on computer vision,medical image analysis,medical image computing and computer assisted intervention,npg asia materials,scientific data,stem cell research therapy)。

















成功申请的候选人可以获得导师的指导和培训,以 助其实现职业目标和抱负。请注意,ker 教授的实验室将主要使用英语来指导工作人员。







school of biomedical sciences (sbs)/institute for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (iterm), the chinese university of hong kong

the chinese university of hong kong, an internationally ranked and top tier university in asia, has established the institute for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (iterm;? in 2022, iterm will also establish a joint collaboration with the world renown karolinska institute to further research on neuromusculoskeletal restorative medicine.

prof dai fei elmer ker’s lab ( located at iterm/sbs is now?inviting applications for postdoctoral fellow(s) and research assistant(s).?we are seeking qualified candidates to participate in exciting?musculoskeletal?research, including (1)?bioactive biomaterials for vascularized muscle tissue engineering; (2) functionally-graded approaches towards reducing suture tearing through? soft tissues.

prof. ker’s bio:?prof. dai fei elmer ker is an assistant professor in the institute for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine and school of biomedical sciences at the chinese university of hong kong. he completed his b.s. in molecular biology and genetics at the university of sydney, his ph.d. in biological sciences at carnegie mellon university, and his postdoctoral training at the department of orthopaedic surgery at stanford university. his research interests include musculoskeletal biomaterial development and computer vision-based cell tracking. his research and commentaries have been published in prestigious journals and conferences such as advanced functional materials, biomaterials, european conference on computer vision, medical image analysis, medical image computing and computer assisted intervention, npg asia materials, scientific data, stem cell research therapy, and science.

qualities:?applicants should be highly motivated and independent with relevant research experiences in biology, biomedical sciences, bioengineering or?artificial intelligence research,?are preferred. also, applicants must be fluent in english, well organized, and possess good critical thinking and scientific writing skills.


vascularized muscle tissue engineering project:?the research duties will involve biomaterial development and characterization, cell culture experiments, and biomaterial implantation into a chronic animal model of muscle injury.

for functionally-graded approaches to project:?the research duties will involve finite element analysis, biomaterial fabrication, mechanical testing, and implantation of biomaterials into animals.

in addition, some training of junior research colleagues and lab management is mandatory.

training:candidates can also expect to receive mentoring and training that aid them in achieving towards their career goals and aspirations. please note that the language of instruction will primarily be in english.

application and appointment:?applicants should submit application online, including cv and contact information of three references. reference letters can also be sent to? email subject heading should be: postdoctoral fellow/ra/phd application_your name. appointments for postdoctoral fellows and research assistants will be made on a contract basis for one year and renewable subject to mutual agreement.????


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