


my reference to edward bellamy comes from a forthcoming book, “slouching towards utopia,” by brad delong, an economics professor at the university of california, berkeley. the book is a magisterial history of what delong calls the “long 20th century,” running from 1870 to 2010, an era that he says — surely correctly — was shaped overwhelmingly by the economic consequences of technological progress.




why start in 1870? as delong points out, and many of us already knew, for the great bulk of human history — roughly 97 percent of the time that has elapsed since the first cities emerged in ancient mesopotamia — malthus was right: there were many technological innovations over the course of the millenniums, but the benefits of these innovations were always swallowed up by population growth, driving living standards for most people back down to the edge of subsistence.?as delong argues, there are two great puzzles about this transformation — puzzles that are highly relevant to the situation in which we now find ourselves.




there were occasional bouts of economic progress that temporarily outpaced what delong calls “malthus’s devil” — indeed, modern scholarship suggests there was a significant rise in per-capita income during the early roman empire. but these episodes were always temporary. and as late as the 1860s, many smart observers believed the progress that had taken place under the industrial revolution would prove equally transitory.




the first is why this happened. delong argues that there were three great “meta-innovations” (my term, not his) — innovations that enabled innovation itself. these were the rise of large corporations, the invention of the industrial resear
ch lab and globalization. we could, i think, argue the details here. more important, however, is the suggestion — from delong and others — that the engines of rapid technological progress may be slowing down.




the second is why all this technological progress hasn’t made society better than it has. one thing i hadn’t fully realized until reading “slouching towards utopia” is the extent to which progress?hasn’t?brought felicity. over the 140 years delong surveys, there have been only two eras during which the western world felt generally optimistic about the way things were going.?




本文节选自:the new york times(纽约时报)


作者:paul krugman

原文标题:technology and the triumph of pessimism





英/ ?a?t?pe?s /美/ ?a?t?pe?s /



英/ ?k?p?t? /美/ ?k?p?t? /



英/ ?tr?nz?tri /美/ ?tr?nz?t??ri /




1.the great bulk of? ??大部分的

2.over the course of? ??在······的过程中

3.swallow up ??淹没;吞下去;耗尽




原句:over the 140 years delong surveys, there have been only two eras during which the western world felt generally optimistic about the way things were going.

结构:over xx, there have been only xx during which the western world felt generally optimistic about the way things were going.

例句:over the 2 years after the covid-19 pandemic, there have been only few countries which felt generally optimistic about the way things were going.



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