
style=”position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;”>2022红宝书·考研英语长难句精析18考研人

<p><b>for example, he theorized that a judge fearful of appearing too soft on crime might be more likely to send some one to prison if he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.</b></p><p><br></p><p>词汇打破</p><p>theorize [?θi??ra?z,?θ?ra?z]&nbsp;</p><p>vi. 树立理论或学说;推理</p
><p>vt. 树立理论</p><p>sentence [?sent?ns]&nbsp;</p><p>n. 语句,出题;宣判,断定</p><p>vt. 断定,宣判</p><p>defendant [d??fend?nt]&nbsp;</p><p>n. 被告(人)</p><p>adj. 防护的,防卫的</p><p>规划分析</p><p>语句的骨干是 he theorized,句首 for example 作整个语句的状语,标明举例。that 引导一个宾语从句,fearful of appearing too soft on crime 作 judge 的后置定语,if 引导条件状语从句中 only to forced community service on that day 为 defendants 的宾语补足语。</p><blockquote>参阅译文</blockquote><blockquote>例如,他提出这样的理论:法官不敢在罪行面前体现得太脆弱,假定当天现已宣判五六名被告实施强行社区劳役,那么他更有可以将下一自个送入监狱。</blockquote><p><br></p>



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