
q:为什么考我们学校?问:why do you apply for our university? / what makes you select our university?回答建议:①学校知名度高? ②毕业生就业率高 (也可以自己找别的理由,千万别说因为你们学校好考之类的就行)答:first, i know?peking university (换成你报考的学校名称)?has?good reputation, (很有名望)?and your university is well-known for its accounting major, so i believe i will be able to?get more professional knowledge and skills here. (学到更多专业知识和技能)?second, it’s said that graduates of peking university have higher employment rate, because as far as i know, you?attach great importance to (十分注重) the integrat
ion of theory with practice (理论与实践的结合,如果感觉太难记,也可以说you always encourage your students to put theory into practice). therefore, i believe peking university is?the second-to-none choice (不二之选)?for me.第一,我知道北京大学有很高的名望,并且以会计专业著名,所以我相信我将能够学到更多专业知识和技能。第二,据说北大毕业生有很高的就业率,因为据我所知,你们十分注重理论与实践的结合。因此,我相信北京大学是我的不二之选。[/cp]


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