
原标题:考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day1937



考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day1935

考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day1936


text 1937



both consolidating and disruptive work are needed for scientific progress, of course, but science now seems to favour the former over the latter in a potentially unhealthy way.mr. park and drs leahey and funk found that the average cd score for papers has fallen by between 92% and 100% since 1945, and for patents between 79% and 92%.these declines are not mere artefacts of changing publication, citation or authorship practices; the researchers controlled for that.why, then, has science become less disruptive?one hypothesis is the low-hanging-fruit theory – that all the easy findings have been plucked from the branches of the tree of knowledge.if true, this would predict different fields would have different rates of decline in disruption, given that they are at different stages of maturity.but that is not the case.




the decline the researchers found was comparable in all big fields of science and technology.another idea is that the decline in disruptiveness stems from one in the quality of published work.to test this, the researchers looked at two specific categories: papers in premier publications and nobel-prizewinning discoveries.”if there were a pocket of science where the quality might have declined less, or hasn’t declined,” said mr. park, “it would be in those places.”but the downward trend persisted there, too.a more likely reason for the change, the researchers argue, is that scientists and inventors are producing work based on narrower foundations.they found that citing older work, citing one’s own work, and citing less diverse work all correlate with less disruption.


研讨人员发现,在一切规划现已很大的科学和技能领域,推翻性发现的数量降低速度都是类似的。另一种观念认为,推翻性发现的削减是因为出书作质量量的降低。为了验证这一点,研讨人员查询了两个特定的品种:首要出书物上的论文和获诺贝尔奖的发现。“假定一个科学领域的研讨质量降低更缓慢,或许没有呈现降低,”帕克先生说,“那么推翻性发现就在这个领域。”但降低的趋势一向存在。研讨人员认为,这一改变更可以的缘由是,科学家和创造家研讨的领域更“窄”了。他们发现,引证时刻更长远的论文、自个的论文以及没啥多样性的论 会致使论文的推翻性更弱。


as the amount of published science grows, the effort required to master a pool of knowledge that is both deepening and narrowing as the years roll by may inhibit the ability to form creative connections between disparate fields.here is an argument for the rebirth of the renaissance human.mr. park maintains there is room for optimism.though the average disruptiveness of discoveries has declined, the number of “highly disruptive” ones has remained constant.humanity does not appear to be reaching the end of science.albert michelson, winner of the 1907 nobel prize in physics for his work on the immutability of the speed of light, which underlay albert einstein’s special theory of relativity, is as wrong now as he was in 1894, when he said that it was “probable that most of the grand underlying principles have been firmly established”.





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