
原文期刊:the wall street journal 《华尔街日报》

the danger of progressives’ inhumanity to the humanties

这篇文章源自 the wall street journal 《华尔街日报 》2021.07.28 一篇名为 the danger of progressives’ inhumanity to the humanities 的文章。这篇文章环绕“人文日渐式微,恐沦为科学附庸”这一文明表象宣告观念:人文有其亘古的价值,“(前进人士粗野对待人文学之损害)”不能变成衡量悉数的标准。首要亮点:①论题新颖,观念显着。②规划清楚:指出疑问(一至三段)———分析疑问(四至七段)。

part 1
ⅰ there was a time when both literature and the study of literature came under the delightful belles lettres — beautiful letters. when the phrase was introduced in the 18th century, literature was considered, at its best, beautiful. devotees tried to emulate that beauty in their response to it.
ⅱ modernism was a turning point, when literature became more alienated and combative with respect to society. american literature, with its muscular, democratic associations, contributed to the change. belles lettres seemed too elitist to describe early??20th??century writing. the prestige of belles lettres was further impaired by the rise of science as civilization??s potential savior. science was necessary to defend democracy, first during world war ii and then during the cold war. now, it is the means of moving ahead in a competitive, technological society. who has time for beauty when there is serious work to be done?
ⅲ the death knell for belles lettres came with a 1959 lecture by the scientist and novelist c.p. snow, “the two cultures and the scientific revolution.” snow seemed to call for cooperation between science and the humanities, but he was really decrying the scientific illiteracy of writers and critics who, unlike him, didn’t happen to be scientists as well.
ⅳ the problem is that science and the humanities are inherently incommensurate endeavors. science builds on its discoveries. it moves forward, so that the past is the literal foundation for the present and future. literature does not move forward in this way. one need not read shakespeare to write a play or a poem. by the same token shakespeare is as relevant today as he was when he wrote.
ⅴ the simple truth that progress is central to science but not to the humanities is difficult to grasp for people who seek improvement in every walk of life. it fuels the drive to render the humanities scientific — through the use of technical jargon, general theories about social texts, and quantitative tools to analyze word choice, sentence structure and other aspects of literature.
ⅵ when the humanities desert their mission and seek to ally themselves with progress, they become dangerous adjuncts to ideological agendas. students come to feel there is a definitive, “virtuous” reading of an event or a text; they criticize great authors of the past for not abiding by the standards of the present. they create a climate that arouses opposition from those who feel excluded or demeaned by such thinking but who lack the humanistic training to do more than lash out.
ⅶ we need to be skeptical of beauty and its relationship to truth, but we also need to see truth as beautiful, and to look with skepticism upon the products of a culture that speak to us in ugly, pseudoscientific ways.

part 2
1.alienated [?eili?neitid] a. 被疏远的,异化的
2.muscular [?m?skj?l?] a. 微弱有力的
3.elitist [i?li?tist] n. 高手主义的,具有略胜一筹优胜感的
4.savior [?seivj?] n. 救世主
5.decry [di?krai] v. 激烈批判,非难
6.jargon [?d?ɑ?g?n] n. 术语,行话
7.adjunct [??d??gkt] n. 隶属物
8.definitive [di?fin?tiv] a. 断定的,声威的
9.virtuous [?v??tj??s] a. 公正的,道德崇高的
12.*knell [nel] n. 丧钟声,(去世、失利)兆示
13.*incommensurate[?ink??men??r?t] a. 不能以同一 标准衡量的

part 3
ⅰ there was a time when both literature and the study of literature came under the delightful belles lettres — beautiful letters. when the phrase was introduced in the 18th century, literature was considered, at its best, beautiful. devotees tried to emulate that beauty in their response to it.

【翻译】:曾几许时,文学和文学研讨都是令人心旷神怡的belles lettres———美文。这一遣词开始于18世纪引入之时,处于其巅峰状况的文学被认为是美的。信徒们尽力在他们对文学的应和傍边效法其美。


首要逻辑联接: ①there was a time when与 when…was introduced in…体现由“概说→细 述”的开篇方法; ②beautiful letters与beautiful、that beauty重复标明文学的初始特征。

中心要害词:① there was a time (早年); ②beautiful (美的)。

ⅱ modernism was a turning point, when literature became more alienated and combative with respect to society. american literature, with its muscular, democratic associations, contributed to the change. belles lettres seemed too elitist to describe early??20th??century writing. the prestige of belles lettres was further impaired by the rise of science as civilization??s potential savior. science was necessary to defend democracy, first during world war ii and then during the cold war. now, it is the means of moving ahead in a competitive, technological society. who has time for beauty when there is serious work to be done?


【点评】:指出文学美的转机点:20世纪现代主义以及科学的鼓起。首要指出文学本身改变“由美到实际”,介绍其典型“美国文学”;随后指出外在推手“科学的鼓起及昌盛”,并以反问句证明这一转机:实际 让我们无 暇 顾 及 美。

首要逻辑联接:①a turning point, when…翻开下文对“景象改变”的谈论; contribute to the change、was further impaired by…别离清楚表里促因;②时刻条理 firstduring…and then during…、now 串起对“科学日渐获得权势”的阐明,最终以 who has time for beauty…偏重这一外在促因的无量影响力。

中心要害词:①turning point(转机点); ②science(科学)。

ⅲ the death knell for belles lettres came with a 1959 lecture by the scientist and novelist c.p. snow, “the two cultures and the scientific revolution.” snow seemed to call for cooperation between science and the humanities, but he was really decrying the scientific illiteracy of writers and critics who, unlike him, didn’t happen to be scientists as well.

【翻译】:敲响美文丧钟的是科学家兼小说家 c.p.斯诺于1959年所做的名为“两种文明以及科学改造”的讲演。斯诺看似在呼吁科学与人文间的协作,但他其真实非难作家和批判家对科学的无知,而他们只不 过没和他相同,可巧也是科学家算了。


首要逻辑联接:①the death knell for… 联接上段turning point,正式进入中心疑问;②the scientist and novelist以及seemed to…but…really decrying…scientists 照顾上段外在促因“科学鼓起”,清楚全文论说方向:科学vs文学的冲突疑问。


ⅳ the problem is that science and the humanities are inherently incommensurate endeavors. science builds on its discoveries. it moves forward, so that the past is the literal foundation for the present and future. literature does not move forward in this way. one need not read shakespeare to write a play or a poem. by the same token shakespeare is as relevant today as he was when he wrote.



首要逻辑联接: ①the problem is… 标明本段翻开“分析疑问”,即驳斥表象。② moves forward、does not move forward in this way 对首句 inherently incommensurate 打开阐明,标明科学和人文不一样的打开方法;one need not read…relevant to day a she was…以事例阐明这种不一样:文学的价值不在于 “是不是 逐步行进 ”。

中心要害词:inherently incommensurate(本质上不能相提并论)。

ⅴ the simple truth that progress is central to science but not to the humanities is difficult to grasp for people who seek improvement in every walk of life. it fuels the drive to render the humanities scientific — through the use of technical jargon, general theories about social texts, and quantitative tools to analyze word choice, sentence structure and other aspects of literature.

【翻译】:“前进”是科学的魂灵但不是人文学的,这一简略的道理关于那些在任何方面都要寻求前进的人来 说很难了解。这种“文学也要前进”的主意致使人文学变得科学化———经过技能行话、关于社会文本的通用理论以及量化东西来分析言语的选择,言语的规划以及关乎文学的其他许多方面。


首要逻辑联接:①the simple truth 天然引出作者观念,is…but not to the humanities具体化上段 incommensurate; ②it fuels the drive中 it 指代“任何作业都寻求前进”这一思维趋向;破折号后through the use of technical…and quantitative tools…代表典型的“科研办法”,清楚“文学科学化”这一负面表象。

中心要害词:render the humanities scientific(使人文科学化)。

ⅵ when the humanities desert their mission and seek to ally themselves with progress, they become dangerous adjuncts to ideological agendas. students come to feel there is a definitive, “virtuous” reading of an event or a text; they criticize great authors of the past for not abiding by the standards of the present. they create a climate that arouses opposition from those who feel excluded or demeaned by such thinking but who lack the humanistic training to do more than lash out.

【翻译】:假定人文学违背本身使命而投身于“前进”,它们就会变成知道形状议题的风险附庸。学生们会觉得关于某件大事或某个文本,存在一种声威的、“公正的”解读;他们会因为前史上巨大的作家未能遵从今日的标准而对其苛责。2 它们会催生一种引发对立的习尚:对立者们感触被这种主意所架空或侮辱, 却又穷于人文本质而只会强烈冲击。

【点评】:清楚以“前进”需求文学的深层坏处。首要指出人文扔掉本身特征的直接损害:沦为知道形状的附庸品。随后罗列这种景象的直接影响:学生不再会以朴实的心去赏识美的东西,而是以“对错”来结论美。最终指出深层影响:“对立、冲击”终将弥 漫整个社会。

首要逻辑联接: ① 首句 when the humanities desert…,they become dangerous…与末句 they create a climate…并排指出景象的损害; 第二、三句以排比方法students come to feel…they criticize…细述首句直接影响。②戾气感十足的词汇 criticize、arouses opposition、feel excluded or demeaned、lashout 等散落于全段,突显期间要义。


ⅶ we need to be skeptical of beauty and its relationship to truth, but we also need to see truth as beautiful, and to look with skepticism upon the products of a culture that speak to us in ugly, pseudoscientific ways.

【翻译】:咱们需要对美以及美与真理的联络存有置疑情绪,可咱们也需要将真理视作是美的,需要以置疑 的情绪审视那些以丑陋的、伪科学的方法与咱们对话的文明之下的产品。

【点评】:宣告呼吁,反抗打着前进的旗号对人文的为害。首要表态:美并非必定真理,但咱们应以美的眼光审视真理;进而提出呼吁:防备悉数“劫持”人文美的丑陋之 举。

首要逻辑联接: we need to be skeptical of beauty…,but we also need to…以让步———转机方法突显文章观念;and to look with skepticism…引出作者真实期望群众警惕的内容, inugly,pseudoscientific ways实指“以科学的视角需求人文、劫持人文”的做法和习尚。






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