

今天给同学们分享一下上外2023年英语语言文学专业课二写作与汉译英的真题情况,以及高译老师对试题的解析、参考答案。相信对大家的备考会有 助,祝愿同学们学业有成,成功上岸!

写作与汉译英 真题解析
审题立意确定之后,在写作时也有许多注意事项。一个很重要也是常常被忽视的要点是thesis statement。考生应就“躺平”这一话题发表自己的意见,要有自己的态度,或是支持,或是否定,或是中立。
总而言之,要形成自己的观点,清晰明确的写出来。不少考生在写作时甚至缺乏一个明确的观点或者没有thesis statement,那后面主体段的论证就是不知所云了。
如果你的生活中周围没有伟人、高贵的人和有智慧的人怎么办?请不要 变得麻木,不要随波逐流,不要放弃向生活学习的机会。因为至少在你生活的周围还有树一一特别是大树,他会教会你许多东西。一棵大树,那就是人的亲人和老师,而且也可以毫不夸张地说,它就是伟大、高贵和智慧。
树的生命比人的生命更长久,从“阅世”的意义上看,人是比不过树的。所以,你若是到十三陵,看到周围静立在那里的松柏,尤其是看到那种虎卧龙盘的老柏,会不由得生出某 种敬畏和感激一一有什么办法,帝王们全都死了,它们却依然活着,默默地、居高临下地看着人间的兴衰更迭、生死荣辱。在某种意义上,它们就是历史,它们就是帝王。
我甚至觉得没有什么哲学比一棵不朽的千年老树给人的启示和教益更多。同样是生命,树以静以不言而寿,它让自己扎根大地并伸出枝叶去 拥抱天空,尽得天地风云之气。树的存在为人们贡献了自己的全部,从枝叶到花果根干,却也从未向人们索取过什么。许多家畜供人驱使食用,但同样也靠人喂养照料。树本来是用不着人养的,它在大自然中间活得好好的,姿态优美,出神入化。
这两个意群间是有联系的,两相对比,为了论证树“却也从未向人们索取过什么”,所以这两句之间在翻译时不做任何处理就是默认是“and”的关系,是不合适的。其中应该是“unlike”或者“by contrast”之类的关系,考生在翻译时应作出适当的补充。总之,这篇翻译有区分度,翻完不难,翻好翻到位实属不易。

写作与汉译英真题 参考答案?
china?is a nation characterized by diligence—an attribute that has been fully valued from generation to generation. numerous impressive inventions and groundbreaking discoveries, ranging from gunpowder to hybrid rice, represent the very quality. however, it is a pity that the once treasured quality is now challenged. there is a growing trend towards a life free from hard work, a lifestyle in which people stop striving for a more prosperous future and give up on trying to meet the expectations of mainstream society. from my perspective, the practice of escaping the pressures of modern life by slacking off is problematic, as it takes a heavy toll on individuals and society at large.
for individuals, renouncing the precious attribute of diligence in favour of indolence means passing up the opportunity of self-actualization. granted, a voluntary retreat from the pursuit of goals offers temporary escape from the unrelenting stress and the possible frustration that failure brings. but it also deprives one of the chance to make his or her dreams come true as the realization of any goal necessarily entails hard work. examples of self-actualization through diligence abound. xu yuanchong, an eminent scholar committed to the cause of translation, never once in his lifetime entertained the idea of giving up and leading an easy life. instead, for the very goal of making chinese culture known to the world through translation, the highly esteemed scholar devoted himself to the translation of one work after another without fail even in his declining years. it is nothing but diligence that functions as the beacon light of hope for him to achieve his goal and makes him a distinguished translator. this is a clear demonstration of how individuals benefit from being industrious. in contrast, it is challenging, if not impossible, for those indulgent in leisure to have such delight, however gifted they may be. a case in point is fang zhongyong, a prodigy known for his talent of writing poems.pitifully, fang eventually failed to be a remarkable poet as he wished as a result of indulgence in leisure. it can thus be safely concluded that diligence contributes to the realization of dreams while indolence puts a brake on it.
as a matter of fact, individuals are not the sole victims of the craze for leisure. the absence of diligence always deals a heavy blow to the whole society. diligence exerts enormous influence on society in one way or another. most noticeably, the prosperity of society is inextricably bound up with the devotion of corporations within it. society would naturally become stagnant if the companies within it all embraced the idea of wallowing in leisure. the once celebrated nokia corporation, for instance, ?dominated the mobile phone market across the world decades ago and considerably contributed to its domestic economic development, but has long lost its fame for nothing but the indulgence in its faded glory and reluctance to put in extra work to adjust to the constantly changing market. its failure can be ascribed to the lack of diligence to work out new ideas for the new market. it should be noted that finland’s economy had to suffer from the absence of hard work. therefore, it can be seen that society suffers badly from the indolence of the corporations within it.
to sum up, it is necessary to put an end to the trend towards an easy life and put a premium on the attribute of industry, as the absence of hard work intervenes with the realization of personal goals and the prosperity of society at large.
如果你的生活中周围没有伟人、高贵的人和有智慧的人怎么办?请不要 变得麻木,不要随波逐流,不要放弃向生活学习的机会。因为至少在你生活的周围还有树一一特别是大树,他会教会你许多东西。一棵大树,那就是人的亲人和老师,而且也可以毫不夸张地说,它就是伟大、高贵和智慧。
what should you do if you lead a life without the company of great minds, men of moral integrity, or those of wisdom?please refrain from growing insensitive, following the herd, or passing up the opportunity to learn from life, since at least your life is not without trees, especially those big trees, which will teach you a lot. a big tree is like a family member or a teacher. it is no exaggeration to say that trees embody greatness, dignity, and wisdom.
树的生命比人的生命更长久,从“阅世”的意义上看,人是比不过树的。所以,你若是到十三陵,看到周围静立在那里的松柏,尤其是看到那种虎卧龙盘的老柏,会不由得生出某 种敬畏和感激一一有什么办法,帝王们全都死了,它们却依然活着,默默地、居高临下地看着人间的兴衰更迭、生死荣辱。在某种意义上,它们就是历史,它们就是帝王。
judging from the time that they live in the world, people are no match for trees, which outlive people. therefore, the sight of pine and cypress woods standing still at the ming tombs, especially those old cypress trees steeping with stateliness, will naturally generate in you a sense of veneration and gratitude. while emperors of old times all expired, trees remain alive, silently witnessing the ups and downs, and birth and death in the world with dignity. but that’s
the way it is. in a sense, trees themselves are the history; they are the emperors.
我甚至觉得没有什么哲学比一棵不朽的千年老树给人的启示和教益更多。同样是生命,树以静以不言而寿,它让自己扎根大地并伸出枝叶去 拥抱天空,尽得天地风云之气。树的存在为人们贡献了自己的全部,从枝叶到花果根干,却也从未向人们索取过什么。许多家畜供人驱使食用,但同样也靠人喂养照料。树本来是用不着人养的,它在大自然中间活得好好的,姿态优美,出神入化。
i dare say that no philosophy could even offer more salutary lessons than a straight thousand-year-old tree. compared with other living things, trees are characterized by longevity thanks to their tranquility. striking the roots deep into the soil and towering to the skies with the branches, they enjoy the best that mother nature has to offer. trees sacrifice all they have—from branches and leaves to fruits and roots—without any desire for something in return. livestock, though mostly used and consumed, rely on the feed. trees, in contrast, survive without the help of people. in nature trees are in their element, standing with graceful elegance.


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