
原标题:星光连续 | 张敏鸣教授辅导的研讨生洪慧当选浙江大学“学术新星培育方案”

2022年10月, 张敏鸣教授辅导的博士研讨生 洪慧成功当选本年度浙江大学 “博士研讨生学术新星培育方百铮

浙江大学‘博士研讨生学术新星培育方案’是浙江大学为了全部推进 ?涣鳌钡拊焓姑渴凳敖艹鲅刑稚嘤桨浮保罨鳎罨平胧澜缫涣鞔笱Я吓嘤┦垦刑稚罅η敖┦垦刑稚难趿⒁觳拍芎腿虻H瘟Γ髁⒌脑拗桨浮?br>

在此之前,张敏鸣教授现已先后有管晓军、耶尔凡·加尔肯、郭涛、王淑玥和曾庆泽等五位博士研讨人获得该方案赞助,别离与美国加州大学伯克利分校(university of california, berkeley,ucb)、北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(university of north carolina at chapel hill, unc)、美国加州大学旧金山分校(university of california,san francisco, ucsf)、哈佛大学(harvard university)、乔治亚州立大学(georgia state university)进行了造访及交流学习。


洪慧,浙江大学2021级博士生(全日制专业型博士),导师为浙江大学医学院张敏鸣教授,首要从事脑小血管病(csvd)的神经印象学研讨,拟经过多模态磁共振成像探究脑小血管病发生打开到构成脑损害及认知妨碍的潜在机制。于博士一大学期间以第一及一起第一作者在journal of magnetic resonance imaging、journal of alzheimer’s disease宣告sci论文2篇。在读时刻(包括硕士期间)一起参加宣告sci论文15篇。硕士期间曾获浙江大学优良结业生及优良研讨生等称谓、多次在世界顶尖会议(ismrm)及中华磁共振放射学年会宣告壁报展览。


3. wang s, zhang f, huang p, hong h, jiaerken y, yu x, zhang r, zeng q, zhang y, kikinis r, rathi y, makris n, lou m, pasternak o, zhang m, o’donnell lj. superficial white matter microstructure affects processing speed in cerebral small vessel disease. hum brain mapp. 2022 jul 13.

4. hong h, wang s, yu x, jiaerken y, guan x, zeng q, yin x, zhang r, zhang y, zhu z, huang p, zhang m. white matter tract injury by mri in cadasil patients is associated with iron accumulation. j magn reson imaging. 2022 jun 23.

5. luo x#, hong h#, wang s#, li k, zeng q, hong l, liu x, li z, fu y, jiaerken y, xu x, yu x, huang p, zhang m. exploration of the mechanism underlying the association of incident microinfarct and motor deficit: a preliminary functional mri study. j alzheimers dis. 2022; 85(4):1545-1554.

6. huang p, zhang r, jiaerken y, wang s, hong h, yu w, lian c, li k, zeng q, luo x, yu x, wu x, xu x, zhang m. white matter free water is a composite marker of cerebral small vessel degeneration. transl stroke res. 2022 feb; 13(1):56-64.

8. wang s, huang p, zhang r, hong h, jiaerken y, lian c, yu x, luo x, li k, zeng q, xu x, yu w, wu x, zhang m. quantity and morphology of perivascular spaces: associations with vascular risk factors and cerebral small vessel disease. j magn reson imaging. 2021 oct; 54(4):1326-1336.

9. yu x, yin x, hong h, wang s, jiaerken y, zhang f, pasternak o, zhang r, yang l, lou m, zhang m, huang p. increased extracellular fluid is associated with white matter fiber degeneration in cadasil: in vivo evidence from diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. fluids barriers cns. 2021 jun 30; 18(1):29.

10. hong h, yu x, zhang r, jiaerken y, wang s, luo x, lou m, huang p, zhang m. cortical degeneration detected by neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging in chronic lacunar infarcts. quant imaging med surg. 2021 may; 11(5):2114-2124.

12. zhang r, yu w, wu x, jiaerken y, wang s, hong h, li k, zeng q, luo x, yu x, xu x, zhang m, huang p. disentangling the pathologies linking white matter hyperintensity and geriatric depressive symptoms in subjects with different degrees of vascular impairment. j affect disord. 2021 mar 1; 282:1005-1010.

13. zhang r, huang p, jiaerken y,
wang s, hong h, luo x, xu x, yu x, li k, zeng q, wu x, lou m, zhang m. venous disruption affects white matter integrity through increased interstitial fluid in cerebral small vessel disease. j cereb blood flow metab. 2021 jan; 41(1):157-165.

14. yu x, jiaerken y, wang s, hong h, jackson a, yuan l, lou m, jiang q, zhang m, huang p. changes in the corticospinal tract beyond the ischemic lesion following acute hemispheric stroke: a diffusion kurtosis imaging study. j magn reson imaging. 2021 aug; 52(2):512-519.

15. hong h, zhang r, yu x, jiaerken y, wang s, luo x, lou m, huang p, zhang m. factors associated with the occurrence and evolution of recent small subcortical infarcts (rssis) in different locations. front aging neurosci. 2021 aug 26;12:264.





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