
原文:life expectancy in japan is the highest in the world, at 84. this is good news for its people, but means that an ever-higher share of the population is elderly. fully 28% of japanese are older than 65, compared with 15% of americans and 21% of germans. more old people, in turn, means higher health-care costs. last year the government budgeted ¥15trn ($138bn, or 15% of its total expenditure) for health care and nursing, excluding the charges?it levies for the public health-insurance scheme. with public debt at 250% of gdp, and debt service consuming a further 24% of spending, the government is looking desperately for ways to cut costs. it reckons caring for people at home is one of its best options.
第一句:life expectancy in japan?is?the highest?in the world,?at?84.
1. life expectancy是专有名词,指预期寿数,均匀期望寿数。
经济学人上在说到兴隆国家人肥胖与预期寿数的联络时有这么一句话:the correlation coefficient between obesity and life expectancy in developed countriesgrew from 0.18 in 1990, to 0.28 in 2000 and 0.37 in 2012. 兴隆国家肥胖与预期寿数的有联络数从1990年的0.18增加到2000年的0.28,再到2012年的0.37。
2. the highest in the world:世界最高,也可以说the world’s highest,比方the world’s fifth-tallest skyscraper. 世界第五高摩天大楼。
3. 抵达几岁,用介词at。描绘价格多少也是用at。at a price of+价格或许be priced at+价格都可以用来标明一个东西价格多少。
4. life expectancy in japan is the highest in the world, at 84:关于“预期寿数是多少”有许多表达,所以这句也可以说life expectancy in japan stands at 84, the highest in the world。不管哪一种写法,中心都用逗号离隔,这样语句规划更清楚。而且加介词at。
也可以写为life expectancy in japan?is 84, the highest in the world.
第二句:this is good news for its people, but means that?an ever-higher share of the population is elderly.
1. this is good news for its people,这对其国民来说是个好消息。日自己的预期寿数世界最高,天然意味着龟龄,这对日自己来说当然是个好消息。
2. 对或人来说是好消息,be good news for sb。反过来,假定是坏消息呢,咱们就可以说sth. be bad news for sb。
sth is good/bad news句型很常见,比方经济学人里边说到苹果手机的时分说bad news for apple, good news for humanity,苹果的坏消息,人类的好消息。?
3. its people,its指japan’s。people这个词指人。
a. 它可以标明公民,群众,与政府相对。政府作业陈述中常常会有“一国公民、国民、公民”这样的概念。留心the不能丢。例如“全国各族公民”,政府陈述中写的是the chinese people of all ethnic groups;
b.?its people也可以标明“一洲公民”。?经济学人有一篇文章说:“非洲人眼里的外国人就是新殖民侵略者,他们认为外国人感快乐喜爱的只对错洲大陆的天然本钱,而不对错洲公民”。它是这么写的:
4.?share,标明比例,比例,比重,这是政府作业陈述中常常呈现的一个词。比方说这句话,下调乡镇职工根柢养老稳妥单位缴费比例 we will lower the share borne by employers for urban workers’ basic aged-care insurance。下调比例就用了lower the share这样的表达。比例,比重咱们也可以用proportion来标明。
5. population。这个词也是比照常见的。咱们来学习一下它的几个常见用法。
a. 标明全体公民,人员。常用分配是have/has a population of+数字;with a population of+数字。
政府作业陈述上在表述14亿人员时有这么一句话:近14亿人员的打开中大国,完成比照充分作业至关重要。for a big developing country with a population close to 1.4 billion like ours, attaining relatively full employment is critical.
b. 指人员。比方村庄贫穷户员the rural poor population。城市人员urban populations。这句话an ever-higher share of the population中的population指的是悉数人员。
?6. the elderly是晚年人的意思,senior citizens也是晚年人的意思。elderly就是描述词,晚年人的。
an ever-higher share of the population is elderly这有些假定直译的话就是占总人员比重越来越高的是晚年人。可是这样不免虎头蛇尾,而且不契合汉语表达习气。英译汉时,数字等表态的词一般放在后边以作偏重。所以,翻译为“晚年人在总人员中的比重越来越高”。
第三句:fully 28% of?japanese?are older than 65,?compared with?15% of americans and 21% of germans.
1. 有关哪国人复数的表述:日自己,japanese;美国人,americans;德国人,germans。日自己的单复数方法都是japanese,美国人和德国人的复数都是直接加s。
咱们来总结一下国人的复数表达:我国(chinese-chinese),日本(japanese- japanese),瑞典(swiss- swiss)不变;英(englishman- englishmen)、法(frenchman- frenchmen)变man为men;其他的在后边加s。留心,德国人german的复数是直接在后边加s。
2. fully在这儿不是完全地,它用在数字前,标明偏重数量,意思是“整整,足足”。fully 28%即足足占了28%。
经济学人在讲到非洲的福利国家缔造时,说到了它的资金来历:fully 90% of the cost of tanzania’s programme is funded by donors such as the worldbank and the british and swedish governments. 世界银行、英国和瑞典等国政府为坦桑尼亚项目供给的资金足有其总费用的90%之多。
今后咱们在表达“足足”这个概念的时分,就要想到它能不能用fully这个词来标明。比方说,和别人约好几点碰头,成果足足等了别人两个小时,就可以说i?have waited for fully two hours。
3. 28% of japanese:这儿是换了个说法,其实就是28% of japan’s population。可是这是外刊,在汉译英陈述里边,仍是多用population,而不是直接of chinese或of japanese这种。
4. compared with在翻译时一般简略处置为“而”就可以了,而不必很烦琐地翻成“和……比较”。假定前后是重复的内容,咱们可以直接运用compared with,而不必写成语句while…
the internet was still young, too. less than 1% of chinese had access to the web back then,compared with some 36% of americans.?as incomes grew and connections proliferated, mr ma took full advantage.
假定是把a比作b,咱们用compare to。例如:our work can be compared to a battle
. 咱们的作业比如一场战争。
第四句:more old people, in turn,?means?higher health-care costs.
1. 这句话咱们要害要掌控的是“越……,越……”这个规划:more …,means more/-er …。留心more old people是一个全体,所所以means
写作拓宽:这个句型在英语作文比方考研英语作文写作中可以用到,“结业人数立异高,作业压力愈发严肃”。咱们就可以说:more graduates means fiercer competition in finding a job.
2. health-care,固定表达,指医疗保健。costs,标明“本钱”。这个词在标明“本钱”的意义时一般都用复数。可是这儿的health-care costs关于政府而言,就是归于政府的一有些财务开支。所以译文把它处置为“医疗保健开支”。
第五句:last year the government?budgeted?¥15trn ($138bn,?or?15% of its total expenditure)?for?health care and nursing,?excluding the charges it levies for?the public health-insurance?scheme.
1.?语句规划分析:语句骨干是the government budgeted ¥15trn for health care and nursing;excluding the charges是如今分词作伴随状语;it levies for the public health-insurance scheme是charges的定语从句。
2. budget 美[?b?d??t],作名词指核算,财务出入情况。这个词在政府作业陈述中常常能见到。budget也可以作动词,标明核算是多少的时分是be budgeted at…如the movie is only budgeted at$ 10 million 该影片的核算只需1,000万美元。
budget 还可以标明核算多少钱给……,分配介词for,budget …for…,比方the company has budgeted $10 million for advertising.公司现已做了1,000万美元的广告核算。
钱后边分配介词for,这种在外刊里边很常见,比方100元31篇外刊精读与翻译课程(想收购的话看文章最初二维码)里边有这样一句since 1990,?funding for primary and secondary schools?has soared. 自1990年,英国政府对中大学的教育拨款大幅飙升。
所以今日这儿的last year the government budgeted ¥15trn ($138bn, or 15% of its total expenditure) for health care and nursing刚好是这个用法,可以翻译为政府在医疗保健和维护上的核算达15万亿日元(约合1380亿美元,占政府总开支的15%)。
3. trn是trillion“万亿”的缩写。¥,日元符号。留心这儿不是指公民币,根据文章判别。公民币多是¥;元多少¥。
4. the government budgeted ¥15trn ($138bn, or 15% of its total expenditure) for health care and nursing:括号里的内容是对¥15trn的弥补阐明,or也不是“或许”的意思,仍是在对前面的¥15trn和$138bn作进一步地阐明,只是$138bn是从美元的话是多少来说,而15% of its total expenditure是从总的占比来说。
标明占多少比例,直接译下来就可以了;health care and nursing,固定表达,医疗保健和维护。expenditure是开支,比方public expenditure就是公共付出。
5. excluding the charges it levies for the public health-insurance scheme:这句话不能直译,有必要意译。它的字面意思是除了它为公共医疗稳妥征收的费用,这样了解意思上不通,前后不联接,后边说的核算归于政府开支,这个公共医疗稳妥也应当归于政府开支的有些,它才干用“除了”这个词。因为征收稳妥费就变成收入了。
6. levy,美[?l?vi],标明征收税款。?经济学人有一篇文章讲到了征收碳税:they can?levy?a?tax?on?eachtonne?of?co2?emitted, an approach pioneered by finland ?in 1990. 他们可以对每一吨二氧化碳排放纳税,这一办法是1990年芬兰创始。
7. the public health-insurance scheme,了解为公共医疗稳妥、公共医疗稳妥体系或公共医疗稳妥准则都可以。scheme可以标明方案,也可以标明准则,今日这句里边是准则的意思,the public health-insurance scheme指的是公共医疗稳妥准则。
a. 持续施行村庄和贫穷区域专项招生方案。
we will continue the higher education admissions scheme with preferential provisions for students from rural and poor areas.
b. 对承担严峻科技攻关使命的科研人员,采纳活络的薪酬准则和奖赏办法。
for researchers working for major scientific and technological breakthroughs we will adopt flexible remuneration systems and reward schemes.
树立共同的城乡居民根柢养老、医疗稳妥准则。we have established unified basic pension and health insurance?schemes?for rural and non-working urban residents.
第六句:with?public debt?at?250% of gdp, and debt service?consuming?a?further?24% of?spending, the government?is looking desperately for ways to?cut?costs.
1.?语句规划分析:这句话的with规划标明缘由,“因为……”,public debt at 250% of gdp和debt service consuming a further 24% of spending并排。因而,这句话的根柢规划就是“出于……和……缘由,政府正想方设法怎么做”。
2. at翻译的时分介词动化,“抵达”。consume原意是花费,耗费,耗费。这儿则是占比的意思。
as pension and health-care costs rise, social-security provisions will?consume?nearly half of tianjin’s pared-down budget this year. 因为养老和医疗费用的前进,本年经削减后的核算中有近一半要用到社会保证上。
3. further是关于前面说到的250%而言的,即公共债款现已占了250%,可是还有24%是偿债开支。所以用further标明更进一步,更多地之意。
比方说政府作业陈述中在说到乡镇新增作业1361万人时是这么用的:a further?13.61 million new urban jobs were added.
4. is looking desperately for ways to do sth,想方设法做某事。desperately标明孤注一掷的,拼命的;极度需要的,盼望的。
5. cut costs,即削减本钱。cost这个词标明本钱时,一般用复数方法costs。若标明单独的花费,常用the cost of的规划,例如“买房子的花费”就是the cost of buying a property。
第七句:it?reckons caring for?people at home is one of its best?options.
1. reckon美[?r?k?n],reckon的意义许多。这句里边是认为的意思。
a. 它可以标明“意料,估量”,sb. reckon that。
经济学人在描绘分析师估计手机销量下滑时就用到了reckon这个词:analysts reckon that the number of smartphones sold in 2021 will be slightly lower than in 2021, the industry’s first ever annual decline. 分析师估计,2021年智能手机销量将略低于2021年,这将变成该作业有史以来年度销量初度下滑。
b. 它还可以标明“认为”。比方说在这句话里:the sale has been held up because the price is reckoned to be too high. 出售堕入阻滞,因为我们认为价格太高了。
c. 标明“期望”。咱们说“有望怎么怎么样”,sth. reckon to do。the merged banks reckon to raise 4 billion dollars of new equity next year. 几家银行兼并后下一年有望增发40亿美元的新股。
2. care for和care about:
a. care for,照顾;喜爱。
ms li recalls the traditional?line:?“raise children to care for you when you get old.” 李女士想起我国的那句老话“养儿防览淠
raise children to care for you when you get old是一句俗话,“养儿防览淠这儿的care for就是照顾,照看的意思。今日这句caring for people at home里边的care for也是这个用法。
它还可以标明“喜爱”。她不喜爱他,就可以说she does not care for him。
b. care about,在乎,关怀。如i dont care about the matter. 我对这事毫不介意。
3. one of its best options:最佳的选择之一。option是选择的意思。
经济学人有一篇关于线上教育的文章,里边有这么一句话:for her, as for many, an on-campus course was not an option. 对她和其他许多人来说,学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。
大众号高斋外刊双语精读之前发过关于这个表达的用法,这儿重复下:an option for:对……来说是一种选择,not an option for就是说“对……来说不实际/不是一个好办法/不是一个好选择”。
比方《卫报》曾关于“德班气候改变峰会”宣告过一篇报导,标题是failure is not an option for global climate change talks,也就是说“失利对全球气候改变商洽来说不是一个好选择。”,言外之意就是说只准成功,不许失利。


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