…今日是23#考研倒计时#第240天[…来自哈尔滨 考研…(今天是2202)






evidence is mounting that long covid is a real threat to global health


?mount v. 增强;加剧;增多;添加;

??the uncollected garbage mounts in city streets.

? ?未收的废物在市区大街上越积越多。

?mounting adj. 越来越多的(常指构成疑问或费事的事物);

? 只能放在名词前润饰

??the government has come under mounting criticism in the press.

? ?政府在报纸上遭到越来越多的批判。

as the world enters the second year of the pandemic, two crises are unfolding. the more urgent and visible one is in poor countries like india, where a surge of covid-19 cases is threatening to overwhelm the state. india is recording more than 350,000 cases a day, and many more than that are thought to be going undetected. the suffering is grievous. oxygen supplies at indian hospitals are running far short of what is needed, and crematoriums are overwhelmed.


?unfold v. 发生;发展;

??the outcome depends on conditions as well as how events unfold.

? ?成果取决于条件,还取决于作业的发展。

?overwhelm v. (疑问等)使不可以处置;使目不暇接;压垮;

??we were overwhelmed by the number of applications.

? ?请求书多得让咱们目不暇接。

?undetected adj. 未被发现的;未被识破的;未被查出的;

?grievous adj. 剧烈的;极苦楚的;痛磨难耐的;

?crematoriums n. 火葬场;

?run short of 快用完了;短少


the other crisis is more subtle. this is long covid, which is becoming apparent in rich countries like america, britainand israel that have largely vaccinated their way out of the pandemic, but which will affect poor ones, too. post-covid syndrome, to give it its formal name, is a set of symptoms affecting any part of the body that persist for at least three months after a bout of covid-19. three stand out: breathlessness, fatigue and “brain fog”.


?subtle adj. 不易发觉的;不显着的;奇妙的;

?vaccinate v. 给…接种疫苗;

?syndrome n. 归纳征(常用于疾病称号);

?fatigue n. 疲倦;疲惫;疲倦;

?way out of ……的将来

??he could see no way out of the situation.

? ?他找不到脱节窘境的将来

?a bout of 一场;一阵

?stand out?杰出;超卓;更为重要

the numbers are chilling. half a million people in britain have had long covid for more than six months. their chances of full recovery are probably slim. the vast majority are in their working-age prime.


?chilling adj. 令人毛骨悚然的;令人惧怕的;

?slim adj. (可以性)不大的;微乎其微的;

?prime n. 全盛时期;最活泼时期;最成功时期;

the costs of the condition have yet to be tallied, but they will be huge. britain’s national institute for health research found that, in 80% of sufferers, the illness affected the ability to work. over a third said it had weighed on their finances.


?tally v. 核算;算计;清点;

?weigh on v. 使烦恼;使担忧;

as yet, long covid has no cure. america alone has put $1.15bn into research. at the moment, though, sufferers need months of rehabilitation to help them cope.

…今日是23#考研倒计时#第240天[…来自哈尔滨 考研…(今天是2202)插图

?rehabilitation n. 恢复;

health-care systems and employers must prepare to assist long-covid sufferers, including those who have no proof of past infection because they were not able to be tested.


?have no proof of 没有……的根据

lots of mistakes were made in the pandemic’ s acute phase. but that came out of the blue. there is no excuse for failing to respond to long covid. and there is no time to waste


?come out of the blue 出人意料;来的很俄然;

?there is no excuse for 没有理由……





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