


america is facing a retirement crisis.?most experts agree that a significant portion of the population will lack the resources to live comfortably after they stop working. this, in turn, will place an increasing burden on the country’s social safety net. exactly how big is the problem? put it this way: under reasonable assumptions, it could overwhelm state budgets across the country.




so will they have enough? the center for retirement research at boston college — which has been studying financial preparedness for more than a decade —?estimates that about half of working-age households are “at risk,” meaning they’re on track to fall more than 10% short of the income they’ll need to retire comfortably. in dollar terms, that amounts to a retirement-savings shortfall of about $7 trillion. and that assumes no future cuts in social security benefits.




granted, people can reduce the shortfall by working beyond the age of 65, the cutoff that the center uses for its calculation. many already do: as of december, about a third of people aged 65 to 69 were employed. but there are limits. it’s much harder for, say, a truck driver to work until 70 than it is for a college professor. and even if half of all workers kept going past 65, the share of the population “at risk” would fall only to about a third. that’s still a terrible outcome for one of world’s richest nations.




the lack of savings is more than a humanitarian crisis. it’s also a fiscal disaster in the making. the more people reach retirement with inadequate resources, the more they will rely on welfare programs such as medicaid, food stamps and supplemental security income.?




one study estimates that by 2030, seniors will require an added $7 billion in public assistance annually in the state of new jersey alone. that’s almost a fifth of the current state budget.? what to do? people can work only so long, and they’re not going to die sooner. this leaves one solution: get them to save more.?




这篇文章节选自:the washington post(华盛顿邮报)


作者:the editors

原文标题:america’s retirement crisis is a financial crisis too





n. 差额;短少



adj. 人道主义的,博爱的;基督俗人论的
n. 人道主义者,博爱者;慈悲家;基督俗人论者



adj. (政府)财务的;<美>财务年度的;<美>金融的
n. <旧>(某些国家的)查看官,财务官员;领伯劳【名】 (fiscal)(法)菲斯卡尔(人名)




1.on track? ?走上正轨

2.food stamp? ? 发给赋闲者或穷户的粮票




原句:in dollar terms, that amounts to a retirement-savings shortfall of about $7 trilli

规划:in xxx terms, that amounts to xxx.

例句:in terms of school, the savings could provide breakfast for the entire school for a year.????


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