
takeout adj. 外卖的
takeout food 外卖食物
takeout n. 外卖
market share 商场比例
mobile phone/ cell phone 手机
industry n. 工业;作业
developing countries 打开我国家
developed countries 兴隆国家
saturation n.饱满
manufacturer n.制造商
brand n.品牌
the domestic market 国内商场
the competitive edge 竞赛力;竞赛优势
urban adj. 城市的
rurual adj. 村庄的
urbanization n. 城市化
population expansion 人员规划胀大
medical care 医疗
shorten/narrow the gap between the rural and urban areas 减小城乡下隔
canteen n.餐厅
start ones own business 创业;开公司
satisfaction n. 满足
economic globalization 经济全球化
mobile payment 移动付出
shared bikes 同享单车
high-speed trains 高铁
online shopping 网络购物
recession/bleeding economy 经济不景气
economic/financial crisis 经济/金融危机
economic recovery 经济复苏
economic prosperity/boom 经济昌盛
delayed retirement 推迟退休
the family planning policy/ the one-child policy 方案生育方针
spur/stimulate economic development 影响经济打开
hinder/impede economic development 阻止经济打开
job market 作业商场
look for/hunt for/seek a job 找作业
job seeker 求职者
a tough job market 严肃的作业局势
unrealistic salary expectations 不真实际的薪资期望
pursue a high-paid job 寻求高薪作业
generate/create job opportunities/employment opportunities 创造/供给作业机缘
career guidance 作业辅导
decline/recession/depression n.萎缩/衰退/惨白
the demand exceeds the supply 供不该求
fierce/intense/furious competition 剧烈竞赛
fake and inferior product 假充伪劣产品
after-sale service 售后效能
enterprise image 公司形象
brand effect 品牌效应
enhance citizens’ standard of living 前进居民日子水平
eliminate poverty 消除贫穷
narrow the gap between the wealthy and the needy 减小贫富间隔

public transport 公共交通
part-time jobs 兼职作业
vacation n.假期
compulsory education 责任教育
life-long education 终身教育
exam/test-oriented education 应试教育
quality-oriented education 本质教育
comprehensive development of a child 孩子的全部打开
impart knowledge 教学常识
to enrol new students 选择重生
admissions 选择人数
recruitment n. 招募
popular fiction 浅显小说
poetry n. 诗歌(不可以数)
poem n.诗歌(可数)
intellectual property 常识产权
law education 法制教育
teach students according to their aptitude 对症下药
academic/theoretical knowledge 学术/理论常识
practical skills 有用技能
integrate theory with practice 理论联络实践
disconnect theory from practice 理论脱离实践
shape/mould ones character 描写性格
extra-curricular activities 课外活动
opening ceremony 开学典礼
key school 要点大学
private school 私立学校
public school 公立学校
miss a class 缺课
drop out 停学
dropout n.退专家
quit school 退学
assistantship 助学金
scholarship 奖学金
university graduates 大学结业生
pursue po
st-graduate study/prepare for the national entrance examination for postgraduates 考研
study abroad/go abroad for further education 出国留学
excessive/undue academic pressure 过大的学习压力
the burden of study/learning 学习担负
ease/relieve academic pressure 减轻学习压力
intensify academic pressure 增强学习压力
academic atmosphere 学习气氛
culture and civilization 文明和文明
the spring festival 新年
dining together/ gathering dinners 集会吃饭
the joyful atmosphere of the new year 新年的喜庆空气
museum n.博物馆
art gallery 艺术馆
be free of charge 免费的
the cultural blending/integration/fusion 文明交融
cultural exchanges/interaction/interchange 文明交流
cultural diversity 文明多样化
multiculturalism n.多元文明
cultural identity 文明特性
cultural treasures 文明瑰宝
cultural heritage/legacy 文明遗产
cultural relics 文物
cultural facilities 文明设备
traditional chinese culture/national culture 民族(传统)文明
advocate/carry forward traditional culture 宏扬传统文明
preserve and cherish traditions 保存和珍惜传统
undermine traditions 损坏传统
cross-cultural communication 跨文明交流
spiritual civilization 精力文明
hand down from generation to generation 代代相传
collection n. 保藏品

idol n.偶像
blind/irrational? worship of … 对……盲目/非理性的崇拜
physical health/fitness/well-being 生理安康
mental/psychological health/fitness/well-being 心思安康
improve/enhance physical(psychological) health 增进生理(心思)安康
hurt/damage physical(psychological)health 损害生理(心思)安康
health concern 安康疑问
state of health 安康情况
sub-health n.亚安康
public health 公共清洁
state of mind 心态
physical exercises 体育训练
well-balanced diet 均衡饮食
sacrifice health 牺牲安康
junk food 废物食物
food additives 食物添加剂
go on a diet 节食,瘦身
indigestion n.消化不良
vaccinate v. 给……接种疫苗
infectious disease/illness 感患病
chronic disease/illness 缓慢病
non-acclimatization 水土不服
short-sightedness n.近视
malnutrition n. 养分不良
team spirit 团队精力?
teamwork n.团队协作
strengthen cooperation 增强协作?
cultivate the sense of teamwork 培育团队知道
optimism n.旷达
optimistic adj.旷达的
pessimism n.绝望
pessimistic adj. 绝望的
patience n.耐性
patient adj. 耐性的?
prudence n.稳重
prudent adj.稳重的
persistence / perseverance n.恒心/意志/坚持
persevering adj. 持之以恒的?
give up halfway 功败垂成
尽力做某事 endeavor to do sth./ strive to do sth./do ones utmost to do sth
diligence n.勤勉 painstaking efforts
self-dependence/self-reliance/independence n. 独立; 自立?
innovation n.立异?
innovative adj. 立异的;具有立异精力的
creativity n.创造力?
creative adj. 有创造力的
critical thinking 批判性思维?
self-confidence n. 自傲?
modesty n. 谦善?
modest adj. 谦善的?
aggressive adj.有前进心的?
strong-willed adj.意志刚烈的?
tireless adj. 孜孜不倦的?
consistent adj. 一向如一的
窘境和磨难 adversity and hardship
作用感a sense of achievement
荣誉感a sense of honor
ambition n. 胸襟;志向
坐收渔利 reap without sowing
欲速则不达 haste makes waste
utilitarian adj. 名利的,急于求成的
付诸行为 take actions
down-to-earth adj. 务实的
thrift n.节约
thrifty adj.节约的
honesty n. 诚信
尊老爱幼 respect the old and care for the young
curiosity n. 猎奇心
curious adj. 猎奇的
spirit of the craftsman/craftsmans spirit/craftsmanship spirit 工匠精力
strive for the best/strive for excellence 精雕细镂
environment-friendly adj.生态环保的


conserve natural habitats 维护生计环境


animal rights activist 动物权益维护者


natural reserve 天然维护区


natural resources 天然本钱


energy conservation and environmental protection 节能环保


biodiversity n. 生物多样性


extinction n. 灭绝


greenhouse effect 温室效应


develop renewable resources 开发可再生本钱


low-carbon economy 低碳经济


deforestation n.森林不见


landslide n.山体滑坡


biodegradable adj. 可生物降解的


environment-friendly(eco-friendly) products 环保产品


household garbage 日子废物


waste sorting/garbage classification 废物分类


motor vehicle pollution 轿车尾气污染


reduce exhaust emission from cars/automobiles 削减轿车尾气排放


public transport 公共交通


water and soil erosion 水土丢掉

create pleasant living environment 创造怡人的日子环境


air pollution 空气污染


degradation/deterioration of air quality 空气质量恶化


discharge/emit poisonous/toxic gas 排放有毒气体


toxic waste 有毒废物


industrial waste 工业废物


sewage treatment 污水处置


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