











equivocal 不明确的success 不完全的成功


break out the t-shirt打破陈腐吧!


designate…. as ? 把什么称为…

parental leave育儿假

computer literature电脑知识










slight understanding略懂

plug into纳入


lap冲击at somewhere






withhold or withdrew 扣押或者撤回






lingering 长时间argue




longer life spans延长

plumbing system上下水




shun it and called it names回避

this country must police itself more vigorously精力充沛(大力)

turning grey变老


is nearly identical一样



adverse reaction不良反应

grueling艰苦的 5 hours


self-deprecating自嘲 dig


make a mint大钱


even if the odds are stacked against you运气不佳

there’s a flip side另一方面




on the cutting edge of 在….前沿

churning out stomach acid分泌



perennial problem 长期问题

staggering hours? for schools to open n close 交错










inflict upon us by others 别人给我们带来的

healing balm百灵膏




control manipulate or exploit另有所图

ralph would not concede that the work of the detectives was likely to be in vain given the price offered.

a. compromise? b. reconcile(和解) c. announce d. acknowledge

the government’s attempt to inhibit the present speed of inflation

a. check? b. inhabit(居住于) c. prohibit(禁止)? d. accelerate

check在check the spread of aids里面就是抑制的意思

to conserve energy, estate developers are encouraged to build houses that can retain heat in winter.

a. attain? b. keep? c. release? d. generate

to suppress this uprising(起义) completely seemed to be too difficult a mission to these officials.

a. advocate? b. conceal(隐藏掩饰)? c. uphold(支持维护)

d. crush(镇压)

for them, defeating this football team is a mere dream that is neither substantial nor practical

a. wealthy ? b. sturdy健壮的有力的 ? c. real? ? d. contented满意

the flowers on the table were a manifestation of the child’s love for his mother.

a. demonstration ? b. ( an ) infestation侵扰传染? c. combination ? ? d. satisfaction

the restaurant’s patrons enjoyed the food and atmosphere so much that they recommended it to their friends.

a. owners? b. actors? c. customers? ? d. critics

forests are delicate脆弱的 systems that, if disturbed, can be permanently destroyed.

a. fragile? b. expansive? c. complex? d. unusual

most religions are concerned with the worship of one or several deities as well as with ethical rules of conduct.

a. faith? b. speech? c. thought? d. behavior

the use of penicillin is limited by its tendency to induce allergic reactions.

bring about? b. stop? c. reduce? d. demand

mr.johnson evidently regarded this as a great joke.

a.readily? b.casually? c. obviously d. simply?

the receding price of these stocks sent many investors panicking and despairing.

a. diminishing b.soaring c.flourishing d. piercing?

although business slumped after the holidays, shop owners began to prepare for

a. recovered b. vanished c.lessened d. swelled

teachers of elementary schools are giving more weight to nurturing a student’s talent in china.

a. exaggerating夸大? b. confining限制 c. probing探索 d. developing

i’m afraid there are people in the world who literally do not know how to boil water.

?a.liberally? b.actually? c.theoretically? d.solely仅仅

these veteran still remember the rigorous discipline and hard training in these camps

a. strict ? b. vigorous精力充沛的? c. ioose? d. imaginary

a gloomy study has just been released that says that the international trend towards living alone is putting an unprecedented strain on our ecosystem. 一项令人沮丧的研究刚刚发表, 说国际上独居的趋势给我们的生态系统带来了前所未有的压力。

the terrorists kidnapped the director of the company and demanded a large sum of money for his

a.liberty ? ? ? ? ? ? b. relief

c. relaxation ? ? ? ? ? d. release

a completely new situation is bound to _____ when the examination system is intro

a. rise? ? b. arise ? ? c. raise? ? ? d. arouse

a good way to a language is to live in the native culture with the native


a. require ? b. inquire? ? c. acquire? ? d. enquire

a product is to be regarded as being _____ when introduced into another country at less than its normal value.

? a. discharged 卸下放出 ? b. discarded丢弃抛弃 ?

?? c. disposed ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? d. dumped倾倒

it’s apparent that the wooden bridge isn’t strong enough to _____

? a. retain? b. sustain? c. obtain? d. maintain

the parents of the bride ______ my presence at the wedding as we had been neighbors for years.


?a. persisted in? b. clung to? c.stuck to? d.insisted on

______the rain, the air quality would not be so good.

a. except for? b. but for? c. as for? d. for all?

a contest is intended to eliminate less qualified competitiors before decisive contests.

a. fundamental? b. deliberate c. preliminary? d. tough

the us bio-defence research is particularly controversial because of the sheer _____of the effort.

a. latitude 纬度 b.magnitude 力度? c.gratitude? d.attitude


many argue that efforts like this will _____the line between the n n s.

a.blur 使…..模糊不清? b.enforce c.separate d.extend

there are still many problems ahead of us, but by this time next year ,we can see light at the end of the tunnel.

professor johnson’s retirement takes effect from next january

mary sat at the table, looked at the plate and smack her lips.

he feels at sea with his major-economics 不懂

discern between right n wrong.分辨 ?

discard丢弃 disperse散开 传播? disregard不顾

indignant at气愤



















be bolted to被绑在

value orientation价值取向


to the charge of指责为relativism相对主义

history repeats, but science reverberates.



barren贫瘠的 infertile




ailing market境况不佳


frugal节俭 thrifty ? ? ? lavish浪费的extravagantly



unsolicited 主动发出的 email







at faster speeds the water becomes more turbulent along the moving fish.this turbulence muses friction and slows the fish down.


or rather确切的说or else否则

evolutionary edge进化优势



identical twins单卵双胞胎

through pain是努力的意思不是endurance for pain


a scam called vishing 电话钓鱼的骗局 fishing phishing网络钓鱼

verify my eligibility身份识别

flare 闪耀 up 爆发


revolt 反抗 造反

refuge 庇护 避难所

teeming metropolis热闹的都市

illustrate a distinctly american trait阐明典型美国人特点

vantage point=point



?matters which lie entirely within state border are the exclusive concern of state ? ? ? excessive过分的








dashboard mounted仪表盘


refined fuel精炼燃料


redox(reduction and oxidation reaction)氧化还原反应

thereafter之后 thereby借以 therefore因此

in charge (of) 负责 under charge of 控制 on charges with被指控


grant授予 grasp抓住 graze吃草

depict描绘 deposit存款堆积



unprecedented 空前的;史无前例的


em-使 emerge出现 embark使上船



excel胜过 exile流放 expedite派出 加速


premise前提 prevail流行?



arduous努力的 courteous有礼貌的?

abide by遵守

take to 喜欢


(1) be able to do sth.→ be capable of doing sth.能够做某事,有能力做事

(2) begin v.→ commence开始

(3) afraid adj.→ fearful对…害怕的

(4) agree v.→ consent同意

(5) hardly adv.→ scarcely几乎不

(6) allow sb. to do sth.→ enable/ permit sh. to do sth.允许某人做某事

(7) always adv.→ constantly总是,一直

(8) because conj.→due/ owing to the fact(that)因为,由于

(9)due/ owing to→ on account of因为,由于

(10) depend on-→ be dependent on/ upon依赖(于),对…依赖

(11)buy→ purchase购买

(12) choose sth.→ opt for sth.选择某物

(13) choose to do sth.→ opt to do sth.选择做某事

(14) in the future→ in the year ahead, in the years to come在将来,在未来的岁月里


(16) consider sth.→ take sth. into consideration/ account考虑到某事


(17) danger n.→ hazard危险

(18) dangerous adj.→ hazardous危险的,有害的

(19) make an effort to do sth.→ pour a lot of effort into sth.对某事投入大量精力,努力做某事

(20)abundant adj. adequate, sufficient充足的

(21) expect v.→ anticipate预见;期待


(22) pain n.→anguish, agony身体或精神上的痛苦

(23) easy adj.→ effortless毫不费力的

(24) easily adv.→ with ease, effortlessly轻易地;毫不费力地

(25) though conj.→ despite the fact that尽管

(26)get v.→ obtain获得,得到



(27) give v.一→ offer, provide提供,给予

(28) be good at→ excel at/in擅长


(29) significant adj.→ critical, crucial, vital重要的,至关重要的


(30) be important-→ count, matter要紧,重要

(31) result from→ stem from源于,因…而出现


(32) be sad-→ be grieved悲伤


(33) be similar to-→ resemble相似,像

(34) spend v.→ expend, invest在某方面花费时间、精精力或资金等

(35) be used to→ be accustomed to适应,习惯

(36) at the mercy of→ under the control of在…的控制下

(37) lest conj.→ for fear that唯恐,以免

(38) remark y.- comment评论

(39) comply with+ observe遵守

(40) hold back→stop阻止

(41) approximately adv.-→ roughly大约;粗略地

(42) confine v.一→ restrict限制

(43) devastating adj.→ destructive破坏性的

(44) inquiry n.-→ investigation调查

(45) demonstrate v.-→show显示;展示

(46) eventually ad.→ finally最终

(47) cease v.→stop停止

(48) tum out→ produce生产,制造

(49)purpose→ deliberately故意地

(50) lean on→ count on指望;依靠

(51) be obliged to→? be compelled to被迫做

(52) obstacle n.→? barrier障碍

(53) interpretation n.→ explanation解释

(54) disturbing adj.→ troublesome令人烦恼的

(55) surpass v.→ exceed超越;超过

(56) inevitably adv.→ unavoidably不可避免地

(57) initially adv.-→ at first,最初,首先

(58)take into account-→take into consideration考虑…在内

estrange from…与…疏远







advanced technology is changing the way we learn

with the development of technology, every aspect of our life has changed and the way we learn is no exception. the use of the computer is a good example. with the help of the computer and the internet, we can learn a great amount of knowledge without having to go to the classroom and ask professors to answer the questions, and we can also get access to the books we want to read in various libraries through the internet.?

with the application of advanced technology we can learn more easily and efficiently. for example when we meet some new words while reading english articles, we don’t have to look them up in a dictionary. with a click, the computer’s electronic dictionary will immediately tell us the meaning of the new words. in addition, the computer can help us analyze our research data and finish papers more easily.

in a word advanced technology has changed the way we learn and has helped us a lot in our study.

getting to know the world outside the campus

?? with the development of our society, the campus is no longer an “ivory tower”. it is necessary for our college students to go outside to get to know the society. they should acquire knowledge not only from books but also from the social practice. thus they can adapt to society more quickly after they graduate from school.

?? science and technology are developing rapidly with each passing day. most students can keep themselves informed by surfing the internet, watching tv, listening to the radio, reading newspapers, etc. it’s also good to take a part-time job, such as tutoring or working as a volunteer. any of these methods can enable students to get in touch with society.

summer vacation will soon be here. i’ve already been enrolled to be a volunteer to help others .i think i can do well. although i won’t be paid, i think the most important thing is that i can learn a lot about society.

the problem of rising hospital charges

?nowadays people often complain that the changes of medical treatment and drugs are rising so fast, and they are even beyond people’s burden.i’m also a member of the society, so i have been experiencing it all the time.

?this situation has various reasons.first, the operative expense used in a hospital is out of control, which causes higher costs of management.second, the new advanced equipment needs more financial support but the government has not given them enough funds.so patients must pay for the experience equipment.third, the operating process of the medical drugs is complex.as a result, there are too many middle processes causing the higher costs.

in order to solve the problem above, we should take some practical measures.firstly, control the cost of operation and management in hospital.secondly, ask the government for more support to buy advanced and valuable equipment.thirdly, reduce the middle processes of operating drugs and control the price of it.i think these measures can reduce the charges in hospitals.? ?

a better university or a better major?

nowadays, postgraduate students always feel confused about deciding which one is more important between a prestigious university and a good major.

in my opinion, having a better major is more important. to begin with, a good major gives you momentum to struggle for your ideal. generally speaking, the major you take determines what kind of job you will have. as a result, you have to think of the major choosing in advance to avoid

regretting for the wrong job in the future. secondly, a good major provides you with the competitive abilities which will benefit you in the society. even if a famous university offers you a good reputation, without a good major it is unable to make you qualified for the need of society.

in a conclusion, i argue that it is vital for a postgraduate student to consider majors rather than universities. thus, you can do your best to learn the subject, and you have more abilities to develop your career.

security or privacy

in recent years, security cameras are installed in public places for the purpose of preventing and combating crimes. this phenomenon has sparked many debates. most people think highly of it and believe these cameras play an important role in maintaining people’s security, while some people think installing cameras threatens peoples privacy rights.

those supporters maintain that installing cameras in public places, especially some key sites, can provide law enforcement agencies with criminal evidence. moreover, they say that installation of cameras is a good deterrent to those with intentions of crimes. however, those protesting this practice claim that the government shouldn’t sacrifice millions of citizens privacy rights only for monitoring probably nonexistent crimes.

as to me, i prefer the former opinion. in my opinion, as far as public security situation is concerned, the installation of security cameras is quite necessary to maintain citizens. on the other hand, people needn’t feel uncomfortable for being monitored by a camera in public places

since everything we do outside can be seen by some other people. to conclude, the advantages of installing cameras in public places outweigh its disadvantages.

tourist industry in china

our tourist industry has gained tremendous progress though some serious problems remained to be solved urgently. there are many hotels and tourist resorts around the scenery places, thus causing air and water pollution in the environment

to overcome the above problems, i suggest: first of all, try our best to update our transportation and communication systems. more convenience in traffic will win us much greater income from

tourism. secondly, more places of historical interests and scenery spots are to be explored to let foreign friends see more exciting things than just clay-warriors and horses in xi’an or summer palace in beijing. thirdly, our food and hotel industry should be greatly pushed forward to attract more foreign guests.

therefore, i suggest the departments launch a campaign to heighten the tourist quality. by doing so, we shall push our country into one of the top tourist countries in the world.

my approach to personal success

it is generally acknowledged that a successful person should make greater contributions to social progress and the well beings. however, a successful person also means his personal happiness in return, at least, in most cases

though i am inexperienced in fighting for future as a young man, i know first of all i must study and work hard. working hard means overcoming difficulties and learning to be more creative and original in achieving what the others cant or fail to.

by doing so, i think first of all, we should have a definite life goal. secondly, we must always check our plans and work steadfast towards the goal. thirdly, accumulate knowledge and skills to make ourselves competent in our working posts. and, the last of all, is to have a team work spirit in getting along with our colleagues, which is surely the key to our future success in life.

don’t hesitate say“no”

in our daily life, there are many occasions on which we should not hesitate to say“no”when asked for help. for one thing, when we are not able to offer help, we should give others a direct reply“no”. for another, when the thing we are asked for is unreasonable or even illegal, we should also say“no”to the asker.

however, it is not the case in our real life. many people prefer to say”yes”when they should say”no “. on one hand, they are afraid to lose their own faces. since they think refusal means their inability. on the other hand, they are afraid to offend their acquaintances, such as their friends. relatives and so on.

in fact, there are many disadvantages in doing so. at first, they are not able enough or willing enough to do the thing for others. therefore, the thing cannot be accomplished well. at last, they may lose both their acquaintances ‘trust and their own faces.

what do you think of advanced artificial intelligence?

recently, googles alpha go defeated a human go champion in a series of matches. there has arisen a fear that artificial intelligence will become better than us, and will come to dominate humanity. for me, i don’t think we should fear that.

on one hand, artificial intelligence is, actually a product of human wisdom. without the designed programmer, it cannot function automatically. alpha go’s success mainly comes from its thousands of algorithm concerning go. it’s a success of calculation rather than ai itself. on the other hand, the success of ai stimulates the development of human wisdom.years ago,“deep blue “and ” deeper blue “had defeated the human chess world champion too. later on, human won over them more and more times. maybe because humans do not give up easily, they develop more machines to challenge themselves. people like to set goals for themselves. during the defeat-

succeed process, humans know more about their potentials

from the above statements, i have the reasons to say we shouldn’t fear al. on the contrary we should develop more to enrich our lives and to test our abilities.

self-confidence is a key to success

from what is illustrated in this picture, the man with full-confidence finally gained the championship while the different person failed and became the steps of the successful man. success is a beautiful dream that everyone wants to make it come true. however. there are many factors leading to success. it is a safe bet that self-confidence plays an important role on the way to success.

there are various reasons accounting for this opinion. since we have to live in an ever-changing society, we may encounter various troubles when we pursuing dreams. when running into difficulties, we must be confident to overcome them, only through which can we insist to the end.furthermore ,if we are not confident, we are unable to show our abilities. teamwork and social activities both have effect on our accomplishment. that is to say, a man who has self-confidence is

the man a good team needs. nobody would like to work with a coward and irresponsible man.

from what we have discussed above, it comes to the conclusion that self-confidence is a key to success both for the personal and the society. if we build up the spirit of self-confidence, we are

able to conquer all the difficulties and achieve the goal no matter how serious the difficulties are.



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