
every 30 seconds, each electric vehicle made and driven in china is obliged to send data to the chinese government including such details as the car’s position, direction and speed.每隔30秒,在我国制造和行进的每一辆电动轿车都有必要向我国政府发送数据,包括轿车的方位、方向和速度等细节。
v-t if you are obliged to do something, a situation, rule, or law makes it necessary for you to do that thing.
the figures can pinpoint the location of the car to within a metre, and generate an “insane amount of data” — in the order of 1 gigabyte(词汇) per car per month — for the government, according to one engineer working on the project.据一位参加该项意图工程师说,这些数据可以断定轿车地址方位,过失不跨越一米,并为政府发生“张狂的数据量”——大约每辆车每月1千兆字节。
v-t if you pinpoint something or its position, you discover or show exactly where it is. 【or】
v-t if you pinpoint the cause of something, you discover or explain the cause exactly.
all companies producing electric vehicles are obliged to collect and share this data under chinese laws and technical standards passed over the past three years. they are part of a wider move by beijing to pressure companies into ceding(句型,别老用give up) more control of their data.一切出产电动轿车的公司都有责任根据我国曩昔三年经过的法令和技能标准搜集和共享这些数据。这是北京方面迫使公司扔掉对数据有些控制的更广泛行为的一有些。
v-t if someone in a position of authority cedes land or power to someone else, they let them have the land or power, often as a result of military or political pressure.
but the demands on manufacturers to share so much information raise issues of privacy for individuals and businesses.但对自个和公司来说,需求制造商共享如此多的信息引发了隐私疑问。
given that china ensures that all mobile sim cards, which transmit the vehicles’ data, must be bought
using personal identification, the regulations mean the government can constantly track drivers.鉴于我国保证一切用于传输车辆信息的移动sim卡有必要运用自个身份证件收购,这些规则意味着政府可以持续跟踪驾车者。
many customers who buy such electric vehicles in china from international brands, including tesla, volkswagen and general motors, might not be aware of how their data are being shared.许多在我国收购特斯拉(tesla)、群众(volkswagen)和通用轿车(general motors)等世界品牌的电动轿车的客户可以不晓得他们的数据是如何被共享的。
an associated press investigation published on thursday found that only one of nine electric vehicle owners was aware that information from their car was being shared with the government.美联社周四发布的一项查询发现,在每9名电动车车主中,只需1人知道到他们的轿车信息正在被共享给政府。
the data collection is mandated under a regulation issued by the ministry of industry and information technology(词汇), a body partly responsible for industrial policy. the regulation states that companies producing evs must create a “monitoring platform” to collect information on cars’ “operational safety status” and link this to the monitoring platforms of local and national governments.数据搜集是根据有些担任工业方针的我国工业和信息化部发布的一项法规。该法规则,出产电动轿车的公司有必要树立一个“监测平台”,以搜集轿车“运转平安状况”的信息,并将其与当地和国家的监测平台联络起来。
v-t to mandate something means to make it mandatory.【and】n-count if a government or other elected body has a mandate to carry out a particular policy or task, they have the authority to carry it out as a result of winning an election or vote.
john zeng, managing director of lmc automotive shanghai, an industry consultancy, said: “it’s no secret: local governments want to know if people are actually driving evs, as they have to plan for the overall development of electric-vehicle charging infrastructure, which governments are spending a lot of money on.”作业征询公司lmc automotive shanghai的董事总司理曾志凌(john zeng)标明:“这不是啥隐秘:当地政府想晓得我们是不是真真实驾御电动轿车,因为他们有必要为电动轿车充电基础设备的全体打开做出方案,政府在这上面花了许多钱。”
mr zeng added that the data would help catch out companies who were gaming(句型,不要老是cheat) the government subsidies they receive for producing evs, by showing which were actually on the road. “if you’re taking the money, of course you have to give something back,” he added.曾志凌弥补说,这些数据将会议示哪些车实践上路行进,然后有助于找出那些骗得出产电动轿车补助的公司。他接着说道:“假定你拿钱,当然你有必要回馈一些东西。”
“if you don’t want the government to collect your data, don’t buy an ev,” mr zeng said.他说:“假定你不想让政府搜集你的数据,那就别买电动轿车。”


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