(090601)基础兽医学导师简介 – 北京农学院研讨生招生网(090601专业)



刘凤华,博士,北京农学院动物科技学院教授,动物科学专业及学科担任人,动物科学系主任。动物科技学院基础兽医学学科担任人、基础兽医学、临床兽医学硕士生导师。我国农业大学临床兽医学中西医联系方向协作培育博士生导师。研讨方向:畜禽应激及中药调控;中兽药、中药饲料添加剂研发与开发。社会兼职:中兽药工业技能立异战略联盟秘书长,中兽医学会常务理事,副秘书长;家畜环境清洁学会常务理事,副秘书长;兽医食物清洁学分会常务理事。2009年获得首都教育前锋科技立异自个、2010年获得北京市三8红旗奖章。2012年获得北京市师德 自个。北京市房山区政府农业参谋。



《家畜环境清洁学》为北京高级学校精品课程,2009北京农学院教育作用二等奖,2009首都教育前锋科技立异 自个称谓。









2010-2012掌管北京市教委学术立异团队方案“畜禽中药添加剂的药效学评价与研发开发” (150万元)















1.jin yu, fenghua liu, peng yin, xiaoyu zhu, guiling cheng, ning wang,an lu, weili luan, nuowei zhang, jiefeng li, kaijun guo, yulong yin,huichuan wang, , jianqin xu. integrating mirna and mrna expression profiles in response to heat stress-induced injury in rat small intestine. functional & integrative genomics. 2011,11:203-213.if 3.82.

2. liu f h, yin j d, du m, yan p s, xu j q, zhu x y, yu j. heat stress induced damage to porcine small intestinal epithelium associated with down-regulation of epithelial growth factor (egf) signaling. journal of animal science. 2009,6(87):1941-1949 , if2.466.

3. yu jin, yin peng, liu fenghua.. involvement of erk1/2 signaling pathway in heat stress-induced damage and expression change of growth factors in rat jejunum and iec-6 cells. international journal of hyperthermia. 2010,10; 26(6): 538–555, corresponding author.if 2.713.

4.jin yu, peng yin, fenghua liu, xiaoyu zhu, guilin cheng, an lu, weili luan, jianqin xu. effect of heat stress on porcine small intestine: a study of morphological and gene expression. comparative biochemistry and physiology, part a 156 (2010) 119–128.if 2.196.

5. an lu, huichuan wang, xiaolin hou, huanrong li, guilin cheng, ning wang, xiaoyu zhu, jin yu, weili luan, fenghua liu, jianqin xu. microarray analysis of gene expression profiles of rat small intestine in response to heat stress. journal of biomolecular screening. 2011 16(6):655-67if 2. 5.

6.jiefeng li, huanrong li, nuowei zhang, wuren ma, guilin cheng, faqiang liu, fenghua liu, jianqin xu effects of astragalus polysaccharide on peripheral blood lymphocytes in pigs inoculated with foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccine. international journal of biological macromolecules. 2011 1;49(3):362-8.if 2.366

7. k. j. guo, w. wang, x. z. song, f. h. liu, j. q. xu, i. zoccarato. antioxidant function of the active components of some traditional chinese medicines. journal of animal science. 2011,if 2.5..

8. xiaoxi liu, huanrong li, an lu, yougang zhong, xiaolin hou1,ning wang, dan jia, junlan zan, hong zhao, jianqin xu, &fenghua liu reduction of intestinal mucosal immune function in heat- stressed rats and bacterial translocation. journal of hyperthermia. 2012: epub, (sci:if1.9).

9. dan jia, fenghua liu, weili luan, kaijun guo, an lu, jin yu. 2010. the research of apoptosis in the swine small intestine epithelium treated by heat stress. 2010 first international conference on cellular, molecular biology, biophysics and bioengineering. vi: 260-264.(ei录入)

10. song x z, xu j q, wang t, liu f h. chinese medicine granule affects the absorption and transport of glucose in porcine small intestinal brush border membrane vesicles under heat stress. asian- australasian journal of animal sciences. 2009, 20:246-254.if 0.875 (corresponding author)

11. song x z, xu j q, wang t, liu f h. traditional chinese medicine decoction enhances growth performance and intestinal glucose absorption in heat stressed pigs by up-regulating the expressions of sglt1 and glut2 mrna. livestock science. 128 (2010) 75–81, corresponding author)if 1.41

12.zhu xiaoyu; ming wang; yujie wang; fenghua liu; tongquan yu; jianqin xu; jin yu. taguchi approach for anti-heat stress prescription compatibility in mice spleen lymphocytes in vitro. archives of pharmacal research. 2011, 34(7):1125-33if 1.588.

13. anru wang, fenghua liu, zhepeng wang, xue jiang, wei wang, kedao teng, jianqin xu. pathological study of spf chickens experimentally infected with a chinese ibdv strain bc6/85. asian journal of animal and veterinary advances. 2010. 6: 36-50..if 1.6.

14. hehui qiu, fenghua liu, jianqin xu, xiaoyu zhu, juan zhao, yujie zhang. effects of astragalus polysaccharides on associated immune cells and cytokines in immunosuppressive dogs. procedia in vaccinology 2 (2010) 26–33istp

15. guo kaijun, liu fenghua, lu lin, biagini davide, lazzaroni carla and zoccarato ivo. productive performance of double-muscled piemontese cull cows in finishing period. agricultural sciences in china. 2010, 9(5): 101-105ssci

16. guilin cheng, shufang xu, defeng cui, xin chen, fenghua liu, an lu, weili luan, jianqin xu. antimicrobial activity of main components dads from garlic oil against four pathogenic bacteria in animals in vitro. the journal of traditional veterinary medicine. 2010, 18(1): 151-156.

17. hong dong, yougang zhong, fenghua liu, kai yang, jin yu, jianqin xu. regulating effects and mechanisms of chinese medicine decoction on growth and gut hormone expression in heat stressed pigs。livestock science. 10.1016/j.livsci.2011.08.015. 143 (2012), pp. 77-84if 1.41

fenghua liu, female, ph.d, full professor of college of animal science and technology, beijing university of agriculture, the person in charge of the animal science major, the co-tutor for ph.d. student of chinese agriculture university.she is the deputy general secretary of traditional chinese veterinary medicine industrial technology innovation strategy league.

research area: livestock environmental stress and regulation with chinese traditional veterinary medicine, r&d of chinese traditional veterinary medicine and feed additives.

work experience:

1983.7- present: successively being an assistant, a lecturer, an associate professor and a full professor in the college of animal science, beijing university of agriculture; the person in charge of the major of animal science.

2004-present: tutor of master student in clinic veterinary science and basal veterinary science of beijing university of agriculture.

2004-present: cotutor of master student and doctor student in clinic veterinary science and basal veterinary science of china agricultural university.

research projects

2011-2015 in charge of national twelve-five technological supported plan of china (no. 2011bad34b0102, 3,30,000 rmb)

2008~2010 in charge of national eleven-five technological supported plan of china: “r&d of feed additives of traditional chinese medicine” (no. 2008badb4b07,7,780,000 rmb);

2008-2010 in charge of national natural science foundation of china: “effect of heat stress on the structure and function of epithelial mucosa in swine small intestine” (no. 30771566, 350,000 rmb)

2013-2016 in charge of national natural science foundation of china:“egf/egfr-mapks-micrornas pathway mediated repair in heat stress-porcine intestinal mucosa”(31272478,800,000 rmb)

2010-2012 in charge of ministry of agriculture, industry and technology project,: study on feed additives of chinese medicine for animal transportation stress. (201003060,1,500,000 rmb)

2010-2012 in charge of academic innovative group programs of beijing education committee, “academic innovative group programs of feed additives of chinese medicine” (1,500,000 rmb)

main publications

1.jin yu, fenghua liu, peng yin, xiaoyu zhu, guiling cheng, ning wang,an lu, weili luan, nuowei zhang, jiefeng li, kaijun guo, yulong yin,huichuan wang, , jianqin xu. integrating mirna and mrna expression profiles in response to heat stress-induced injury in rat small intestine. functional & integrative genomics. 2011,11:203-213.if 3.82.

2. liu f h, yin j d, du m, yan p s, xu j q, zhu x y, yu j. heat stress induced damage to porcine small intestinal epithelium associated with down-regulation of epithelial growth factor (egf) signaling. journal of animal science. 2009,6(87):1941-1949 , if2.466.

3. yu jin, yin peng, liu fenghua.. involvement of erk1/2 signaling pathway in heat stress-induced damage and expression change of growth factors in rat jejunum and iec-6 cells. international journal of hyperthermia. 2010,10; 26(6): 538–555, corresponding author.if 2.713.

4.jin yu, peng yin, fenghua liu, xiaoyu zhu, guilin cheng, an lu, weili luan, jianqin xu. effect of heat stress on porcine small intestine: a study of morphological and gene expression. comparative biochemistry and physiology, part a 156 (2010) 119–128.if 2.196.

5. an
(090601)基础兽医学导师简介 – 北京农学院研讨生招生网(090601专业)插图
lu, huichuan wang, xiaolin hou, huanrong li, guilin cheng, ning wang, xiaoyu zhu, jin yu, weili luan, fenghua liu, jianqin xu. microarray analysis of gene expression profiles of rat small intestine in response to heat stress. journal of biomolecular screening. 2011 16(6):655-67if 2. 5.

6.jiefeng li, huanrong li, nuowei zhang, wuren ma, guilin cheng, faqiang liu, fenghua liu, jianqin xu effects of astragalus polysaccharide on peripheral blood lymphocytes in pigs inoculated with foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccine. international journal of biological macromolecules. 2011 1;49(3):362-8.if 2.366

7. k. j. guo, w. wang, x. z. song, f. h. liu, j. q. xu, i. zoccarato. antioxidant function of the active components of some traditional chinese medicines. journal of animal science. 2011,if 2.5..

8. xiaoxi liu, huanrong li, an lu, yougang zhong, xiaolin hou1,ning wang, dan jia, junlan zan, hong zhao, jianqin xu, &fenghua liu reduction of intestinal mucosal immune function in heat- stressed rats and bacterial translocation. journal of hyperthermia. 2012: epub, (sci:if1.9).

9.zhu xiaoyu; ming wang; yujie wang; fenghua liu; tongquan yu; jianqin xu; jin yu. taguchi approach for anti-heat stress prescription compatibility in mice spleen lymphocytes in vitro. archives of pharmacal research. 2011, 34(7):1125-33if 1.588.

10. hong dong, yougang zhong, fenghua liu, kai yang, jin yu, jianqin xu. regulating effects and mechanisms of chinese medicine decoction on growth and gut hormone expression in heat stressed pigs。livestock science. 10.1016/j.livsci.2011.08.015. 143 (2012), pp. 77-84if 1.41


学术立异:1、运用pcr办法,以大肠杆菌质粒为模板扩增出trat基因(一种抗补体活性基因),并经过符号制备得到 trat-dig 基因探针,运用该探针可检测出大肠杆菌菌株致病力的强弱,然后创建了一种检测大肠杆菌致病性的快速可靠的新办法。2、研宣告5种仔猪拉肚子病原卵黄抗体的制备办法,并获得5种特异性强、效价高、临床实验作用好的卵黄抗体,为兽医临床有用医治仔猪拉肚子探究出一条新的途径和办法。3、其主编的《动物生理学词典》是我国动物生理学界的第一本专业词典,对标准和共同我国动物生理学名词具有活泼意义。


沈红,女,博士,教授。1985年在安徽农学院获学士学位;1999年在我国农科院研讨生院获硕士学位;2005年在我国农业大学获博士学位。2006年09-12月在英国harp-adams university collenge动物医学专业学习;2006-2009年在我国科学院动物研讨所生物膜与膜生物学国家要点实验室从事博士后研讨作业;2009.10-2010.10在丹麦aarhus university做造访专家。教育上多年来首要从事兽医药理学与毒理学教育作业。科研上这些年首要触及兽药残留分析与免疫药理方面研讨作业,掌管六项由北京市教委、北京市组织部等部分赞助科研课题,参加十多项由国家天然基金委、北京市天然基金委、北京市农委和北京市教委赞助课题,2008年以来在国表里学术期刊宣告四十余篇论文。

curriculum vitae

name and gendershen hong, female

present employmentassociate professor,collegeofanimal sciencesand technology, beijing university of agriculture (bua),changpingdistrict,po box 102206,beijing,china.

tel: +861080799141, fax: +86 1080799141, e-mail: sh912@bua.edu.cn

educationbachelor degree in animal medicine fromanhuiagriculturalcollege,july1985.master of science in animal nutrition and feed sciences fromgraduateschool of chinese academy of agricultural sciences, july 2000. ph.d. in animal physiology fromchinaagricultural university, july 2005.

work experiencean associate professor, teaching veterinary pharmacology and toxicology atcollegeofanimal sciencesand technology, beijing university of agriculture (bua) from july 1985 to now.a postdoctoral fellow, working in cell biology at zoology institute, chinese academy of sciences from 2006 to 2009. a visiting scholar, work with research in cell immunology at aarhus university indenmarkfrom october 2009 to october 2010.

present research area

research in veterinary pharmacology and toxicologyin domestic animals with special emphasis on chickens and pigs.presiding and participating in a number of national and municipal research projects, and nearly 30 papers published in domestic and international core journals in recent years. the research mainly focuses on chinese medicine and veterinary drug. the work includesstudies ofimmunomodulatory role of chinese herbs in animal disease control and prevention anddevelopment ofspecific methods for the analysis of veterinary medicine residues in animal food,which may be applicable to preventions of animalinfectiousdiseases and animal food safety.





1.xiaolin hou,yinliang wu, ting yang, xiangdang du. multi-walled carbon nanotubes–dispersive solid-phase extraction combined with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for the analysis of 18 sulfonamides in pork.journal of chromatography b, 2013(929).107–115

2.xiaolin hou,yinliang wu.evaluation of two modified quechers sample preparation methods for the analysis of baclofen and gabapentin in feeds by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. 2013.(if=2.9)

3.xiaolin hou, yinliang wu, yan lv, xiuqin xu, jian zhao, ting yang. development and validation of an ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for determination of 10 cephalosporins and desacetylcefapirin in milk.journal of chromatography b, 2013.(931) 6–11 (if=2.5).

4.xiaolin hou, ross c. beier, yingjian sun, yan lu, guojuan wu. simultaneous determination of cyromazine and dicyclanil in animal edible tissues using uplc-ms/ms.food additives & contaminants: part a, 2013.30(4), 660–665(if=2.2).

5.xiaolin hou. an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for determination of dicyclanil in animal tissue. analytical letters.2013.(if=1.0)

6.xinlu zhong,fenghua liu,xiaolin hou
anti-inflammation efficnency of granatum-chebule polyphenols extract on spf chickens challenged with escherichia coli. poultry science. 2014.(if=1.7)

7.xiaolin hou,yongnin wu.analysis of para red and sudan dyes in egg yolk by uplc-ms-ms.chromatographia.2010, 71, 135–138

8.xiaolin hou,yongnin wu.determination of para red, sudan dyes, canthaxanthin, and astaxanthin in animal feeds using uplc.journal of chromatography. sci.. 2010, 48(1),22-25

9.xiaolin hou, jianzhong shen, suxia zhang, haiyang jiang. coats j r. bioconcentration and elimination of sulfamethazine and its main metabolite in sturgeon (acipenser schrenkii)journal of agricultural and food chemistry2003,51, 7725-7729.

10.xiaolin hou, xiaowei li, haiyang jiang, jianzhong shen. multi-residue analysis of avermectins in cattle liver by liquid chromagraphy tandem mass spectrometry. journal of aoac international2006,89, 1110-1115.

11.xiaolin hou, jihong he, xiaowei li, shuangyang ding, jianzhong shen. simultaneous analysis of avermectins in bovine tissues by lc-ms/ms with immunoaffinity cleanup.chromatographia2006,63, 543-550.

12.xiaolin hou, yongning wu, xiaowei li, jianzhong shen. simultaneous analysis of avermectins in animal liver tissues by hplc-fluroscence detector.chromatographia2007,65, 77-80.



sun yingjian, phd, associate professor. she received her bsc degree (major in veterinary medicine) from beijing agriculture college in 1992, and msc and phd degree (major in basis veterinary medicine) from veterinary medicine college of china agriculture university in 2003 and 2009 respectively. she is a member of china society of toxicology. she is also a member of councils of veterinary pharmacology and toxicology and veterinary food hygiene, china society of animal science and veterinary medicine. now, she has been teaching the courses ofanimal food hygieneandveterinary public health.she has been studying in the areas, which are related to veterinary pharmacology and chinese traditional veterinary medicine and pharmacology,molecular toxicology. in recent years, more than seven research projects have been carried out (including participated) in her lab. she has published over 20 papers in the academic journals and 4 books (in chinese), 5 of which in the sci journals and there are 2 papers of which the influence factor is above 3.











personal resume

li huanrong, born in 1968, ph.d., professor, the associate dean and master instructor of animal sciences and technology college, received a bachelors degree in veterinary microbiology and immunology at nanjing agricultural university in 1995, and ph.d degree in preventive veterinary medicine at china agricultural university in 2007.

field of research: animal etiology and immunology.

taught undergraduate courses: veterinary microbiology, animal microbiology, animal virology, bacteriology of animal pathogens, aquatic animal diseases.

taught graduate courses: advanced immunology, topics of preventive veterinary medicine, diagnostic techniques of veterinary medicine.

awards:mentoraward in graduate employment outstanding contributions in 2011, and the 2nd science and technology progress award by the ministry of education in 1999 (fifth person to complete).

in addition, five books (including textbooks, a deputy editor) , more than 40 papers published(including six sci and 1 ei).

presided over or participated in the project:

the national natural science foundation of china in 2012:

sub-project of the twelve-five national technological support plan of china during the year of 2011-2015;

beijing municipal natural science foundation in 2006: ‘role of porcine skin-derived dendritic cells during pcv2 infection in vivo‘;

beijing municipal education commission in 2008: development of differential diagnosis method of tgev and prcv.






1.investigation on the prevalence of coccidiosis and maduramycin drug resistance in chickens in china, veterinary parasitology, 2013.3

2.heterologous expression of biologically active chicken granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor inpichia pastoris, african journal of biotechnology 2012.11

3.toll-like receptor 2 type 1 and type 2 polymorphismsin different chicken breeds, poultry science 2012.91

4.polymorphisms of chicken toll-like receptors 4, 15, and 21 in different breeds, poultry science, 2012.91

5.iscomatrix application of nanotechnology, icbeb 2012

6.expession of microneme protein 4 fromeimeria tenellain the methylotrophic yeastpichia pastoris, icbeb 2012

7.ultrastructure of the gametogenesis of coccdiaeeimeria tenella, 12th internationnal congress of protozoology, 2005.7

8.studies on drug resistance ofeimeria tenellain china,12th internationnal congress of protozoology, 2005.7

9.studues on the purification and mrna differential display of drug resistance ofeimeria tenella,112th internationnal congress of protozoology, 2005.7

10.study on the extraction of extractor–secretory antigen ofeimeria acervulina, proceeding of the 10th international coccidiosis conference, 2010.10

11.study on the relationship between the invasion ofeimeria tenellaand the cell aptosis, proceeding of the 10th international coccidiosis conference, 2010.10

12.expression and characterization of chicken cytokines inpichia pastori, proceeding of the 10th international coccidiosis conference, 2010.10




16.马杜霉素抗药性诱导的实验研讨, 畜牧兽医学报,1997.4



19.鸡il_2的毕赤酵母表达和生物活性判定, 我国农学通报, 2010.26


21.娇嫩艾美尔球虫大配子发育和卵囊的超微规划, 我国兽医学报, 2001.6

22.鸡ibv分子生物学研讨发展, 我国兽医杂志, 2001.9

23.阿维菌素驱杀牛内寄生虫实验, 我国兽医杂志, 2002.1,

24.娇嫩艾美耳球虫的抗药性查询, 我国兽医杂志, 2004.6

25.犬肉旋毛虫的查验, 我国兽医杂志, 2004.10

26.球虫单孢子囊克隆技能的树立, 我国兽医杂志, 2006.2

27.球虫抗药性分子生物学检测技能的树立, 我国兽医学报, 2007.3


29.鸡肿瘤坏死因子-α的原核表达及活性判定, 我国兽医杂志, 2011.9

30.鸡γ烦扰素的原核表达与生物活性研讨, 我国兽医杂志, 2010.3

31.粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落影响因子与娇嫩艾美耳球虫免疫, 我国兽医学报, 2010.4


1.主编《娇嫩艾美耳球虫与球虫病》 我国农业出书社, 2008.5

2.主编《鸡球虫病与球虫抗药性》 我国农业出书社, 2011.4

3.主编《怎样养鹦鹉》中华工商联合出书社, 2007.10

4.主编《怎样养画眉》中华工商联合出书社, 2007.10




3.副主编《动物疾病病理确诊》 我国科学技能出书社, 2001.7



2.一种检测猪痢疾的pcr试剂盒及引物, 2013.2



作业(传真)电话:86-10-80795193,e-mail:anyh001@bac.edu.cn; anjian68@sina.com

curriculum vitae

professor,faculty member, college of animal science and veterinary medicine, beijing uniersity of agriculture, china.

research experience:

1992-2003: drug resistance ofeimeira tenella

1996-1997:the s and n protein of infectious bronchitis virus

2004-now: control of coccidiosis by recombination protein vaccine

2012-now: control of coccidiosis by traditional chinese medicine

competitive research grants

co-investigator: eighth-five-year foundation to tackle key problems in science and technology. (1992-1995). drug resistance ofeimeira tenella.(kong fanyao as pi).

principal investigator: bureau of science and cadre foundation of beijing(1996-1997) the recombination protein expression of the s and n protein of infectious bronchitis virus

co-investigator: tenth-five-year foundation to tackle key problems in science and technology. (2001-2004). research on drug resistance of coccidia. (wang ming as pi).

principal investigator: beijing science novel star fund (2004-2006)

principal investigator: beijing natural science fund (2003-2007) rapid test drug resistance of chick coccidia

principal investigator: beijing education committee science fund (2007-2009)research on cytokine immunity adjuvant oneimeira tenella

principal investigator: national science foundation of china (2011-2013) immunity research on the exotoxin iscomatrix vaccination ofeimeria aceverlina

honors, membership in professional organizations

2002-present: scientific advisor for protect and control wild animal disease, bureau of park and garden, beijing, china

2007-present: scientific advisor for protect and control chicken disease, beijing huadu broiler lt. d, china

original publications in journals

32.investigation on the prevalence of coccidiosis and maduramycin drug resistance in chickens in china, veterinary parasitology, 2013.3

33.heterologous expression of biologically active chicken granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor inpichia pastoris, african journal of biotechnology 2012.11

34.toll-like receptor 2 type 1 and type 2 polymorphismsin different chicken breeds, poultry science 2012.91

35.polymorphisms of chicken toll-like receptors 4, 15, and 21 in different breeds, poultry science, 2012.91

36.iscomatrix application of nanotechnology, icbeb 2012

37.expession of microneme protein 4 fromeimeria tenellain the methylotrophic yeastpichia pastoris, icbeb 2012

38.ultrastructure of the gametogenesis of coccdiaeeimeria tenella, 12th internationnal congress of protozoology, 2005.7

39.studies on drug resistance ofeimeria tenellain china,12th internationnal congress of protozoology, 2005.7

40.studues on the purification and mrna differential display of drug resistance ofeimeria tenella,112th internationnal congress of protozoology, 2005.7

41.study on the extraction of extractor–secretory antigen ofeimeria acervulina, proceeding of the 10th international coccidiosis conference, 2010.10

42.study on the relationship between the invasion ofeimeria tenellaand the cell aptosis, proceeding of the 10th international coccidiosis conference, 2010.10

43.expression and characterization of chicken cytokines inpichia pastori, proceeding of the 10th international coccidiosis conference, 2010.10

44.the ultrastructural effect of maduramasin to dufferent strains ofeimeria tenella. chinese journal of animal and veterinary science, 2002

45.the ultrastructural effect of maduramasin toeimeria tenella. chinese journal of veterinary science, 2002

46.experimental study on the development of resistance to maduramisin ineimeria tenella. chinese journal of animal and veterinary science, 1997

47.the ultrastructural studies on the merogony development ofeimeria tenella. chinese journal of animal and veterinary science,2001

48.ultra-structure of the gametogenesis of coccidiaeeimeria tenella. acta zoologica sinica, 2001

49.the ultrastructural studies on the macrogametogenesis and oocyst forming ofeimeria tenellachinese journal of veterinary science 2001

books and monographs:

    1.chicken coccidiosis and drug resistance of chicken coccidia. chinese agricultural press,2011,isbn 978-7-709-15584-8

    2.eimeria tenellaof chicken and coccidiosis. chinese agricultural press, 2008,isbn 978-7-709-13176-7

address:no.7, beinong road, huilongguan, changping, beijing, 102206,p.r.c.






首要从事动物流感的盛行病学查询、流感病毒跨种间传达机制、确诊试剂和疫苗的研讨。获北京市科学技能奖2项、北京市出入境查验检疫局科技奖1项;掌管或许参加国家和省部级项目12项。联合培育内蒙古农业大学、我国农业大学博士生2名,硕士生6名。代表性论文与作用:(1)susceptibility and transmissibility of pigeons to asian lineage highly pathogenic avian influenza virus subtype h5n1;(2)influenza virus receptors in pigeon’s respiratory and intestinal tracts;(3)鸡、鸽、虎呼吸道和消化道粘膜上皮细胞表面流感病毒受体类型的检测;(4)鸽等动物禽流感盛行病学与免疫防治的研讨;(5)禽流感h5亚型hi抗原与阴、阳性血清。在研项目(1)鸽子气管上皮组织中流感病毒受体唾液酸的研讨;(2)h3n8亚型马流感病毒病原学特性及抗体检测技能的研讨;(3)h3n8亚型马流感全病毒灭活疫苗和马流感hi抗原与阴、阳性血清的研讨。联络方法:010-51503475(办) 13641247600e-mail:liuyuehuan@sina.com




代表性作用(representative article):

1、wenkeruan, yanhua wu, jian an, and shijinzheng, polymorphisms of chicken toll-like receptors 4, 15, and 21 in differentbreeds, poultry science, 91, 2512-2516, 2012. sci录入, if=1.728, first author.

2、wenkeruan, yanhua wu, jian an, dengfeng cui, huanrong li, and shijunzheng, toll-like receptor 2 type 1 and type 2 polymorphisms in different chicken breeds, poultry science, 91, 101-106. 2012. sci录入, if=1.728, first author.

3、wenkeruan, yanhua wu, and shijunzheng, different genetic patterns in avian toll-like receptor (tlr)5 genes, molecular biology reports, 39, 3419-3426, 2012, first author.

4、yanhua wu,wenkeruan, defeng cui, and huanrong li, identification of a toll-like receptor1 in guinea fowl (agelastesniger), biochemical genetics, 50, 702–716, 2012. sci录入, if=0.8249, corresponding author.

5、wenkeruanand shijunzheng, polymorphisms of chicken toll-like receptor 1 type 1 and type 2 in different breeds, poultry science, 90, 1941-1947, 2011. sci录入, if=1.728, first author.

6、wenkeruan, jianjun zhang, lixiawang, peng zhang, and jian an. heterologous expression of biologically active chicken granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor in pichiapastoris. african journal of biotechnology, 11(11), 2791-2796, 2012.

7、jianjun zhang#, lixiawang#,wenkeruan#, and jianan*,investigation into the prevalence of coccidiosis and maduramycin drug resistance in chickens in

, veterinary parasitology, 16, 191(1-2), 29-34, 2013. sci 录入, if=2.579, #co-first author.

8、xinfengguo, li wang, defeng cui,wenkeruan, fenghua liu, andhuanrong li, differential expression of the toll-like receptor pathway and related genes of chicken bursa after experimental infection with infectious bursa disease virus, archives of virology, 157(11), 2189-99, 2012. sci录入, if=2.111.

联络方法(contact information):20037803@bua.edu.cn,wenkeruan@hotmail.com。


杨佐君,动物科学技能系教师,副教授。女,汉族,客籍:河北。 1964.年10月出世。1985年结业于东北师范大学生物系,1999年于我国农业大学研讨生班结业,专业为动物组织胚胎学。从教21年,首要教授动物学、动物细胞生物学、组织胚胎学等课程。曾参于编写《细胞生物学》(高教出书社2006)、《家禽孵化手册》(我国农业大学出书社1999)等书。现担任动物科学技能系基础教研室教研室主任。首要从事动物细胞和细胞微环境等有关方向的科学研讨作业。




·huiqin duan, yongdong zhang, jianqin xu, jian qiao,zhanwei suo, ge hu, xiang mu*. effect of anemonin on no、et-1 and icam-1 production in rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells. journal of ethnopharmacology,2006,104(3):362-366

·段慧琴,乔健,张永东,索占伟,穆祥*,许剑琴*. lps对大鼠肠黏膜微血管内皮细胞分泌no的影响.畜牧兽医学报,2005,36(9):974-976






working experience

duan huiqin female,9/14/73,associate professor, department of animal science and technology, beijing agricultural college, beijing, china, for chinese traditional medicine and animal histology, 2001;emal:dhq0113@sina.com

research interests

herbal pharmacology


ph.d. china agricultural university, veterinary pathobiology, 2005.

m.s. china agricultural university,veterinary medicine, 2000.

b.s. inner mongolia university for nationalities, veterinary medicine, 1997.

selectrd publications

1.huiqin duan, yongdong zhang, jianqin xu, jian qiao,zhanwei suo, ge hu, xiang mu*.effect of anemonin on no、et-1 and icam-1 production in rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells. journal of ethnopharmacology. 2006, 104(3):362-366

2.huiqin duan, jian qiao, yongdong zhang, et al. effects of lipopolysaccharide on the production of nitric oxide in intestinal mucosa microvascular endothelial cells in vitro. chinese journal of animal and veterinary sciences.2005,36(9),974-976

3.huiqin duan, xiang mu, jianqin xu. review of prevention and cure of colibacillosis in piglet by traditional chinese medicine. progress in veterinary medicine. 2005,26(1),43-45

4.huiqin duan, fan kai,yongdong zhang,zhanwei suo, ge hu, xiang mu*. the study on anti-inflammatory mechanism of esculetin.chinese journal of veterinary medicine. 2007,43(9):45-46.

5.huiqin duan, xiang mu, yongdong zhang,xiang mu*. effect of berberine on no production in rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells,chinese journal of veterinary medicine,2007,43(7):54-55

6.duan hui qin, suo zhan wei, hu ge, mu xiang*. effects of anemonin on the secretiory function of rat intestinalmucosam icrovascular endothelial cells. journal of traditional chinese veterinary medicine. 2007,3:7-9

7.huiqin duan, yongdong zhang,xiang mu*.microvascular endothelial cells in vitro methods overview.progress in veterinary medicine,2007,28(4):93-96

胡 格,男,1973年出世,理学博士,副教授,内蒙古通辽市人。



hu ge, male, born in 1973, ph.d, associate professor, from tongliao,inner mongolia .

graduated from college ofbiologyofchina agricultural university with ph.d in 2008. graduated from northwest agriculture and forestry university with a master in beijing universityofagricultural since 2001. editor of 5 textbooks.

the main research direction is animal histology and embryology, antiviral mechanism of traditional chinese medicine. had completed a project for national natural science foundation, a project for beijing nova program; hosting a project for science and technology of beijing municipal education commission, aproject for academic human resources development in institutions of higher learning under the jurisdiction of beijing muncipality- the young backbone teachers, participating in 3projects for academic human resources development in institutions of higher learning under the jurisdiction of beijing muncipality- innovative team. elected to beijing nova program in 2006, got "beijing youth backbone teachers" title in 2009. received the 3rd pride for beijing science and technology progress and two national invention patents, published more than 30 papers, including five in sci. as part-time committeeofbeijing association of anatomy.


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